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Barry is an escort and he's doing this to pay for college as it pays well and he usually ends up with the old guys that just want company and show people that they may be older but still got it as they have a hot guy on there arm.

Barry gets a call from his boss that says he was requested by some old guy his name is Robert and he may want more than just arm candy and he's paid ten thousand a day as he wants him for two weeks while he's in town Barry wants to complain but he doesn't as that will help him he says ok what's the address the guy says he's at the Tipton hotel and he has told the front desk and when you get there just say your name he says ok and hangs up then gets in the shower once he's done he goes to the Tipton as he gives the guy at the desk his name he goes by Jay as his escort name the guy gives him a room key as he says it's the penthouse Jay thanks him and takes the elevator to the penthouse once he gets off the elevator he uses his key and walks into the room as he yells hello Robert? He didn't expect who walks out of the bathroom in just a towel.

Robert says yes as Barry says holly shit your he then says am I dreaming? The guy says no you're not dreaming and yes I'm Oliver Queen I used the name Robert because I was hoping no one would know who I was Barry says I'm sorry I didn't mean to if you want I'll go and I won't tell anyone it's just I was born in Central City but when my parents died I didn't have any relatives and the only foster home that had any space was one in Sterling City and I always seen you on tv and I thought you were so hot even if you where older than me and I've had a huge crush on you since I first scene you on tv.

Oliver says wow my dad told me about this company and he also told me that they did both male and female Oliver says you are cute and I did pay for the whole package but I didn't mean it like that I just didn't want to be alone for the whole two weeks and I haven't told anyone except my father who already knew and didn't care as long as I was happy so we can talk and hang out and I'll keep my end of the deal and pay you for the time we spend together and if anything comes from it we can go from there Oliver says with his cocky Oliver Queen smile? Barry blushes as he says deal Oliver says well I'm glad and I'll go get dressed and then we can have room service or we can go to the hotel restaurant with that he disappears to the other room when he comes back Barry says room service sounds good I've never had room service Oliver say room service it is then oh I hope you don't mind me not wearing a shirt? Barry says it's fine as he is looking at his chest and not his eyes they get there food and as they eat they talk as Barry says not to be mean but you said your dad give you this number for ColdFlash escort? Oliver says yeah apparently my dad and mom wasn't as faithful as they acted around the public eye.

A few days later Barry asks Oliver do you believe in love? Oliver says yes don't get me wrong i love my parents but I don't want to be like them I mean I am running my father's company but I believe that love is something special and when you meet that special guy you do anything to let them know and show them how special they are to you afterwards he kisses Barry passionately Barry deepens the kiss once they stop for air he says wow that was better than I use to fantasize about after he realizes what he said Oliver says you fantasized about kissing me? Barry blushes and starts babbling as he says you are my crush before he can say anything Oliver says your cute when you blush and babble Oliver kisses him passionately again afterwards he says what about you Barr do you believe in love? Barry says yes I do before my parents died they were always loving with each other with me they always told me I could be whatever I want and that I could love whoever I wanted it's like they knew who I was before I did and they loved me anyway and grant it my life after they died wasn't the happiest all the time but I remember how they were and it gives me the strength I need to be who I am and love who I love when I find the right guy.

Oliver asks do you want to stay the night? and I'll make sure that you get to class tomorrow morning Barry is fighting with his self in his head as he wants to let Oliver have his way with him as he has his crush here with him and it seems that Oliver wants him also as they have spent every moment they had together Barry says yes I'll stay as he straddles Oliver as he says I know this may not go anywhere once you leave here but I want this he kisses him passionately then moves down to his jawline as he plays a song he says when I fantasized about us it was the two of us having sex to this song as he plays genuine's pony as he's kissing biting and sucking on his collar bone Oliver says who says this has to be a one time thing and I can't believe that you have thought about having sex with me to this song normally it would he lost his thought as he moans as he says but I find it sweet coming from you as he kisses him passionately then starts sucking on his collar bone.

Oliver flips them as he says I'm going to take care of you as we make love he takes his time preparing him for his monster once he feels he's ready he starts slowly pushing into his tight hole once he's all the way inside of him he says let me know if it hurts you and I'll stop he then kisses him passionately once they come up for air Barry says this feels so good but can you start moving please with that Oliver says yes sir as he starts to slowly pull out of him till his mushroom head is left inside of him and then slowly pushes back into him as he asks baby have you had sex before? Barry blushes as he says no your my first Barry looks like he's about to cry as Oliver says well then I'm really going to take it slow and make love with you cause I want it to be special to you as it is to me as I know you're giving me something that's special and no one else can have.

As he's slowly pounding into him he says I love you and I know we just met but you are special and sexy and I know that I want to be with you as he says I'm going to come before he can pull out Barry warps his legs around his waist as he says I want to feel every experience that comes with sex and that means feeling everything and every part he yells Barry's name as he feels his seed spilling into his tight hole he lays down and pulls Barry close to him as he says let's lay like this I love being inside of you it feels so amazing as Oliver puts his neck on Barry's shoulder as he whispers in his ear but he sees in the mirror that he's sleeping Barry turns around and snuggles up to Oliver as he says in his sleep I love you.

To be continued...

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