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Barry Allen is the new chemistry teacher at Sterling Prep Academy as they're last chemistry teacher moved and Kara Danvers who is the art teacher but also Barry's best friend and knew how much he hated his teaching job at Central City High School cause the only position they had there was gym teacher and he stayed there for a year till the position opened up and Kara told her boss who is the headmaster Martin Stain about her friend who would be great for the job and that's how he got hired and why he moved to Sterling City he's staying with Kara at her house till he can find a place.

They go to the teachers lounge on his first day and as soon as he walks in he sees the most beautiful man he's ever seen he's wearing a shirt that's tight enough to show off all his huge and lovely muscles and his pants are tight and hug everything in the just right places Kara sees him looking as but she also notices that after he looks away Oliver is looking right at him so once Oliver walks out she says I noticed you looking but he'll break your heart he's a playboy he hasn't changed from when he was younger except he doesn't go around punching the paparazzi even if they follow him around like he did when he was younger.

Caitlin Snow, Felicity Smoak, Cisco Roman, Ray Palmer and Nate Haywood walk in and set at the table Kara is at as they introduce their selfs and Barry introduces his self they are all talking as they are drinking there coffee and they all agree with Kara that Oliver will only use you to get what he wants the bell rings and they all get to there class rooms.

Barry finds his class room he also sees that the gym teacher is standing at his class room door as he says hello I'm Oliver Queen the gym teacher he says Barry Allen the new chemistry teacher Oliver is flirting with him as he says well how would you like me to show you around town since you're new in town Barry says I'm sure you're not use to hearing this Mr. Queen but no thank you also I have a boyfriend who is in Central City and I'm going to go see him tonight Oliver says maybe some other time then as he kisses his hand then walks away.

Barry got through his first day of teaching at his new job and all his students love him as he makes it fun as he's driving back to Central City he try's calling his boyfriend but he doesn't answer so he figured he's still at work as he pulls up to Leonard's house he sees Len's car as well as another car there in the drive way as he walks up the drive way he pulls out his keys and opens the door as he goes to the bedroom he hears noises that sounds like sex so he opens the door and sees Leonard with his cock inside of his assistants Roy Harper's ass he says so this is way you wanted me to take the job in Sterling City so you could fuck Roy how long he asks?? Len pulls out and looks at him as he says it just happened tonight we got drunk and then Barry starts walking away as he hears Roy say really you told me you broke up with him you told me that when we started this six months ago Barry says well he lied but guess what you can have him I'm done he punches Leonard then says lose my number both of you and have fun with each other then he walks out.

He goes to the club called Verdant that's in the glades in Sterling City once he gets in he sits at the bar where a blonde bartender asks what's your poison he says crown royal double and keep them coming she says coming up oh and ask me for me name is Sara she gets his drinks and comes back as she asks what's got such a good looking man like yourself down? Before he can answer she says one second cutie she walks up to Oliver as Barry doesn't see them talking cause he's taking his shots as Oliver says his drinks are on me anytime he's here doesn't pay you he then gives her two hundred dollars as a tip she says thanks for the money and I'll put it on your tab whenever he's here but why are you doing this when you could have anyone you want? He told me no when I asked to show him a night on the town she laughs as she says it finally happened someone turned you down she then walks away.

She goes back to Barry as she says sorry about that so why so down cutie? My boyfriend of ten years I just caught him cheating with his assistant I got him the job he was my student and he didn't have a family since his mom was a druggy and his dad died and apparently they've been hooking up for the past six months he's crying as she says I'm sorry also I'm cutting you off Barry says I should call a cab after I close my tab she says nope you've already had a bad night it's on me he says fine as he gives her a hundred dollars as a tip she thanks him then he leaves.

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