I'd Die Without You

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Oliver is a vampire who is looking for his true mate if he doesn't find his mate then he as well as his friends/coven will die when he does unless he can find the one person who will complete him as well as be willing to live forever with him. I'm making Barry a witch kinda of like Sabrina the teenage witch causes there isn't many rules about using magic except not being exposed to mortals.

Barry is moving to Sterling City as he has a job at Queen Consolidated in the Science division of Queen Consolidated he's found a roommate and they've been emailing back and forth and he told his parents that he will come visit them as often as he can as he also told them that if he finds a boyfriend he will make sure they meet him if it lasts as his mother says my sweet boy any man would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend as she kisses his forehead then hugs him and his dad hugs him as well as he says call us when you get there slugger Barry says I will then gets in his car and leave for Sterling City.

He gets to his new home and when he gets there his new roommate is waiting for him as they shake hands he says it's nice to finally meet you Hartley he says same here Hartley tells him as he says let me help you with that as he gets his luggage once they walk inside Barry says wow nice house. Thanks it was my parents but when they died they left it to me so it's all payed for all we have to do is pay the Utilities Barry says sounds fair he then says well it's been a long drive I'm gonna crush see you in the morning with that Hartley says good night and closes the door as he walks out of the room Hartley thinks to himself he's a hottie.

~Barry's Dream~
Barry is sleeping as he's dreaming he's on someone's front porch before he can look around he sees a beautiful man with beautiful blue eyes and short dirty blondish hair before either one of them could say anything Barry's alarm goes off.

Barry gets up and goes to get coffee he forgot he was just in his underwear till he had his coffee in his hand as he says I'm sorry I can go put some clothes on Hartley looks at him as he says I'm fine with it if you are we are both adults here plus your nice to look at they both laugh as Barry thanks him then Hartley asks did you sleep ok? Yeah just had a dream but I can't remember it he looks at the time as he says I've got to get ready for work don't want to be late on my first day he washes his cup then goes into his room and puts on his clothes he's about to walk out when Hartley asks if he wants to car pool as he works at QC also Barr shakes his head and then they leave.

They arrive at QC with two minutes to spare only cause Barry used a spell to turn back time by two five minutes cause of the traffic and he didn't want to be late for his first day of work once they walk in Barry has this feeling like he's supposed to be there he sees a picture of the Queen family and then he sees that the new C.E.O. Of QC is the only son of Robert Queen and his wife Moria Queen he sees the picture of Oliver Queen and it's like he knew him some how but he didn't know how he's never met him.

Hartley says hey Barr earth to Barry as he waves his hand in front of his face that's when he snapped out of his thoughts as he says sorry Hartley says well let's go we are on the tenth floor and you still have to get your work ID and get you to HR for everything else they go meanwhile up in Oliver's office he sees the chosen one so tells his secretary to hold his calls he'll be back as Sara looks at him he says it seems that the chosen one is here apparently he was hired here in the Science division and he's going to HR so I'm going to go meet him Sara smiles as she says good luck.

Barry got his paperwork done and Oliver asked him if he could show him around town tonight since he's new in town and Barry asks is that okay since your the big boss Oliver says well I maybe the boss but I can't let a beautiful man as yourself tour the town alone especially when I grow up in this town and know the town Barry says ok and you think I'm beautiful Oliver says yes as he kisses his hand as he says I'll pick you up at nine tonight Barry says ok well I guess I better get to work Hartley is jealous as Oliver catches how he looks at Barry and the evil look he gives him.

It's all ten till nine and Barry is done with his shower and all ready to go Oliver is true to his world and was at Barry's house by nine o'clock he knocks on the door and Barry answers as Oliver asks ready to go beautiful? Barry looks at Hartley as he says I'll be back don't wait up with that Hartley says ok and then gives Oliver an evil look as Barry closes the door.

Oliver opens the door of his car for him as Barry says such a gentleman as Oliver smiles at him as he closes the door as he then gets into the car and starts Oliver takes him to a restaurant and then he takes him to Verdant as they walk in Barry asks how were we able to just walk in without waiting in line? Cause they can't tell you no when you own the hottest night club in the city Barry is in awe as Oliver takes them to a VIP room so they can talk and get to know each other better after hours of Barry and Oliver talking Oliver says it's getting late let's get you home.

Barry takes a chance and kisses Oliver passionately then says I'm sorry Oliver says don't be and can I take you out again tomorrow? Barry says yes Oliver says well I'll see you at work tomorrow good night beautiful as he kisses his cheek then leaves.

To Be Continued...

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