What Hurts The Most

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A/N this story works better for them being heroes/werewolf's also Sara never died so Laurel never becomes the Black Carney also White Carney doesn't exist for this to work and Roy is going to be their son
It's two in the morning and Barry woke up cause he had to pee being pregnant sucks he thinks to his self he's not really showing yet cause of the speedforce but he's also stopped being the Flash till he has their child witch means most nights Green Arrow is out alone as dig is away working with A.R.G.U.S. and Thea is away at college Black Carney and The Atom are with the Legends so aside from Felicity being Overwatch helping from the Arrow Cave he's out in the field alone Barry also has a bad feeling so he runs to the Arrow Cave as papers fly as he runs in Felicity jumps a little as she says Barry don't do that Oliver hears her over the coms as he asks is everything ok with Barry as he's asking this he doesn't see or hear Deathstork sneak up behind him he doesn't realize till there's a sword sticking out his chest he says Slade as he take the com as he says into it I've finally killed the Green Arrow oh and I know Barry is there hope you have fun rising you kid alone Flash with this Barry asks Felicity where he is once she tells him he's gone and he's by his mans side as he says Oliver hold on I'll get you to a hospital.

Oliver says no baby it's to late please just stay with me I don't want to be alone Barry says your not alone I'm here i love you please hold on I can't do this by myself Ollie I don't want to rise our child alone babe he's crying as he's saying this Oliver try's to sit up as he says baby your not alone you have Thea, Felicity, and the rest of our friends and I'll always be watching over you both always he kisses him passionately with his last breath as Barry kisses him as he's crying afterwards Oliver dies in his arms he picks him up and runs back to the Arrow Cave where he lays him down gently on the table before Felicity can hug him and say everything will be alright he's gone Barry is back at the mansion in their room as he lays on the bed he takes in Oliver's sent as he cry's his self to sleep.

Felicity as she's in tears sends a message to the Legends she then calls John she also calls Caitlin and Cisco at S.T.A.R. Labs Caitlin says that they will be there to help clean him up she then calls Thea and tells her she needs to come home as soon as Felicity says that Thea starts crying as she says which one or is it the baby? Felicity says it's Oliver as she says this they both start crying as Thea says I'll be home tomorrow then she hangs up as she dose she feels empty inside everyone in her family is gone she cry's as she realizes that she needs to be there for Barry and for her brothers unborn child meanwhile back in the Arrow Cave Caitlin has cleaned his wounds with the help of Cisco and they have taken him out of his Arrow costume Caitlin asks how is Barry doing with all this? Felicity says he was here when it all happened then he was with Oliver and he brought him back then he left.

It's the day of Oliver's funeral and all of there friends are there they fixed it so that it was a mugging Barry didn't want to put him as the Green Arrow as everyone goes up to say their good byes Barry and Thea are in tears as the are hugging each other Barry walks up and gives him a kiss on his forehead as he says it's a boy and I'll make sure he'll know how much his father loves him as he breaks down crying as he walks back to his seat as Thea goes up to say goodbye to her brother as she says I'll watch over both of them big brother as she kisses his cheek then says tell Mom, Dad, Tommy I say hi then she walks back to her seat.

Nine months later Barry goes into labor as Thea says come on we have to get you to S.T.A.R. Labs so Caitlin can deliver my nephew they get the to the car as Thea drives to S.T.A.R. Labs as she says Caitlin his water broke she says get him into the med bay as he yells in between his yelling he says Thea stay with me she says of course Caitlin sets everything up and she tells him cause of the speedforce she can't give him anything for the pain she says as Barry squeezes Thea's hand after five hours they hear the cry Caitlin then cleans him up once she's done that she puts the baby in his arms as she says here is your beautiful baby boy as she asks do you have a name for your son yet Barry looks at his son as he says yes Oliver Roy Jonas Queen both Thea and Caitlin says it's perfect she says I'll go get the birth certificate done.

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