Hold on

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Since high school Barry Allen has been in a toxic relationship with Jay Garrick everyone told him Garrick was bad news even his best friend Oliver Queen who Barry was in love with but he didn't know that Oliver was in love with him also but Oliver didn't want to admit to his self that he was bi or gay but when Jay came to town he was the bad boy that all the girls wanted to be with except he was openly gay and he set his eyes on Barry and shortly after high school Jay became worse he wouldn't let Barry have friends or work Barry was barely able to see his mom as his dad ran off when Barry was born she always thought her son would end up with Oliver as they always acted like they were together and always Lovey dovey with each other.

Nora didn't say anything about how she didn't like Jay but she knew her son loved him but after high school when Barry moved in with Jay and the times he would go see his mother he would have bruises or black eyes or something but he always told his mom it was his clumsiness she didn't believe him but never said anything Oliver went to visit Barry he seen how his best friend was acting and the cuts and bruises when he asked Barry would change the subject or say he fall so they would just hang out and catch up till a little before five o'clock Barry would say Ollie you have to go Jay will be here soon and I have to cook dinner one day as they where talking about the past Jay comes home early and sees Oliver Queen being all touchy-feely with his man so he puts on a fake smile as he says Oliver long time no see Oliver says yes but I have to go he hugs Barry and says if you need me for anything just call me anytime.

When Oliver leaves after once his car is gone Jay says how dare you bring that man into our home did you fuck him Barry looks up as he says no why would before he could finish he gets back handed as he says will teach you to cheat on me as Barry is trying to say I wouldn't do that I love you but Jay kicks him in the stomach and then using him as a punching bag afterwards he says know this is your fault if you wouldn't have been flirting with him clean this and yourself up I'm going to the bar after one last kick he leaves.

Barry uses what strength he has to get up and goes into the bathroom as he finds some sleeping pills that Caitlin Snow give him so he can get sleep without the nightmares waking him up so he takes everyone of the pills and climbs into his bed and falls asleep he would have died had his mom not come over and when she seen her son all beaten and bruised she calls an ambulance she then calls Joe and tells him how she found her son he says he'll met her at the hospital she then calls Oliver and tells him what happened to bear he says he'll be there soon.

Oliver stops by Saint and Sinners as he has a good idea that's where he'll find Jay he walks into the bar and finds him as he walks up to him and punches him Jay says awesome it's the other man he says you are a piece of shit and you deserve to riot in hell before he can throw another punch he gets grabbed by someone as he looks he sees Mick and Leonard as they say why are you causing trouble in our bar Robin Hood Mick asks? He looks at him as he says points to Jay this asshat has been beating Barry and earlier today he beat Barry so bad that Barry tried to kill his self today Len and Mick look at him as he they before they could ask Jay says did he do it did that pathetic whole finally kill his self cause it will save me the time of finishing the before he can finish that thought he gets knocked off his bar stool as Len says that sounds like a confession to me Len says with that Eddie walks out as he says that's all we need as he arrests Jay Oliver says I've got to get to the hospital he drives like a maniac as soon as he gets to the hospital he runs in and run to the nurses station and asks what room is Barry Allen in? The nurse asks are you family he says no she says I'm sorry sir but he says do you know who I am yes but I can't tell you anything Nora hears him and says Oliver as she hugs him she shows him to Barry's room as she says he needs you right now he's been calling out for you in his sleep she then says it's time you tell him what took you so long to accept he says how do you know? Oh sweetie I watched you grow up with Barry and I have eyes you two where always lovey with each other even if you two didn't realize it Oliver hugs her then he walks into
the room as he sits down next to Barry as he says please wake up.

I'm sorry I wasn't there for my best friend the love of my life I'm also sorry that it took me this long for me to tell you how I feel about you with that he kisses his forehead Barry squeezes his hand he starts crying as he says I'm sorry I didn't know what else to do I should have listened to you all those years ago and I should have told how I felt even if you didn't feel the same way I love you Ollie I always have since we met in middle school I just didn't know how to tell you that as he's crying.

Oliver says baby didn't you hear anything that I said to you when you where sleeping? I love you I always have he says look I know you've been through a lot but would you go out with me we can take it slow but I don't want to lose you again Barry says yes I will and I don't want to lose you again Oliver kisses his forehead as Nora says it's about time you two got together.

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