Today Was A Fairytale

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A/N for this story to work they are in high school but Oliver has had a crush on Barry since middle school the only person he ever told is is best friend.

It's the middle of Barry Kara and Felicity's ninth grade year and Barry is out every one knows he's gay but his parents died in a car accident but the Danvers adopt him as well as his sister Kara since they were friends with the Allens and they couldn't have kids and they didn't want to see the two beautiful kids in the foster care system so they adopted them Felicity is there best friend the three of them are inseparable since the Danvers moved to Sterling City to work at S.T.A.R. Labs.

Since the beginning of high school Barry has been getting notes from a secret admirer and all three of them have been trying to figure out who's sending him these notes they even tried stocking his locker to see if they could catch who it was but it's like his secret admirer know what they were doing cause nothing happened that night but the next morning Barry had another note as he read it to them.

Dear beautiful bear
I wish I had the courage to come to you and tell you I think you're the most beautiful amazing person I've ever seen and had class with i would love to stare into those beautiful green eyes and to kiss you I bet would be like fireworks going off till I get the courage to come to you in person but yet I'm not that courageous till next time my beautiful baby bear 💚 you're secret admirer.

Felicity and Kara get done saying awe as Tommy walks up and hugs Felicity and kisses her cheek as he asks what's going on?? Kara tells him my brother got another note from his secret admirer he says good for you Barry and oh how did it go on the stakeout did you'll see who his secret admirer is Tommy asks?? No before Kara or Felicity can say anything Barry says it's ok I'll wait till he's ready for me to meet him I just hope he's as sweet in person as he is in paper see at first Oliver asked Tommy to get to know them to see what Barry would say about the notes cause Tommy is the only one who knows the truth and it was his idea to use the computer so they couldn't try to figure it out by the hand writing Tommy wanted to see his best friend happy since he's known about Oliver's crush since middle school oh and he and Oliver fooled around but Tommy realized he was straight but Oliver known he was gay after they stopped fooling around witch was till after the first week of high school Tommy mostly would just let Oliver give him head or he would fuck him but once he got with Felicity that stopped witch Oliver understood.

It's gym class and Tommy and Oliver are talking in the locker room about how Barry is waiting patiently to meet as Tommy says you Oliver gives him his Oliver Queen stare as he says relax we are the only two still in the locker room but little did he know how wrong he was as Leonard Snart was still inside and he came up with a plan that would make both Oliver and the guy he wanted jealous at the same time cause Ray didn't want the school to know that he's gay as to where Leonard didn't care he was the captain of the baseball and basketball team as well as the swim team captain and he could have any guy he wanted or girl but he wanted Raymond Palmer and he was going to make sure he got his man and Barry got his since he owed Barry for helping him with the classes he was failing so he wouldn't get kicked off the teams he's on.

In gym class Len goes up and talks to Barry as he says I know who your secret admirer is but I'm not going to out him but I owe you one so we are going to kill two birds with one stone and we will both get our men deal Len asks him and they shake as Len says out loud for everyone to hear him as he says Barry Danvers/Allen I'm you're secret admirer as he then kisses him passionately some people clap others says I knew captain cold was gay Oliver gets pissed so pissed that he storms out of the gym and back to the locker room as he punches his locker Tommy comes in as he asks are you alright Oliver gives him a death stare as he says no I'm not captain cold just took credit for my notes and did you see Bears face he was so excited and surprised I can't take that away from him and I think I broke my hand when I punched my locker Tommy looks at the locker as he says damn well let's take you to the nurse as they are walking to the nurse Amaya comes up and asks what happened? Tommy says it's hard to explain as Amaya says no it's not I know why he got pissed and it's okay Oliver I know your in love with Barry I can see it when you look at him when you think no one is looking and it's ok I want you to be happy I also know that you're his secret admirer and not Len Oliver looks at her as he says thank you and I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you she hugs him and kisses him on his cheek as she says you didn't hurt me I've known for awhile and I've met your mother and I understand but you have to tell him the truth then she walks away.

At the Danvers house Barry is getting ready for his date once he comes out his room both Kara and Felicity asks if his secret admirer finally told him who he was Barry says not exactly Len says he knows who my admirer is but he won't out whoever he is but he's going to help me since I helped him so he wouldn't get kicked off his teams Barry tells them he has to finish getting ready as the door bell goes off they both go downstairs and answer the door once they step outside Kara says if you hurt my brother I will kick your ass and I know you have your own reasons to help him Len says I'm not going to hurt Barry and once this is all over everyone will be happy before she can say anything Barry walks out as he whistles as he says you look handsome ready for our date Barry says lead the way Len as they walk down to his car.

They go to big belly burger as Len knows it's exactly where Oliver and his friends hangout so he knew that Oliver would see them as they walk in Tommy comes over along with Oliver as Tommy says hey Barry what are you doing here and where's Felicity and Kara I thought you three did everything together? Len sees Oliver eyeing Barry as he's talking to Tommy as he says we usually do expect I'm on a date with my secret admirer that's when Oliver says he's not your secret admirer I am as Len sees Ray watching them as well as Len says prove it Oliver says ok I will as he thinks back to the first note he put in his locker.

To the most beautiful man I've ever seen when I first laid eyes on you I thought I was looking at an angel and when I heard you laugh when you where talking to Kara and Felicity I thought it was the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard and I was thinking how wonderful it would be if I could make you laugh like that and to be able to hold you in my arms as we laugh and talked about everything and how happy I would be to hold you in my arms maybe one day I'll be able to tell you this in person but till then I'll always be watching you and make sure your be safe love your secret admirer.

Barry says it is you as he jumps up and kisses him passionately as all of Oliver's friends cheer once they break for air Barry starts babbling as he realized that Oliver isn't out yet Oliver try's saying something but he can't as bear is still babbling so he kisses him passionately again afterwards he says I've been waiting a long time to do that and it's better than I imagined it would be as he says Len if you don't mind I'm taking over your date Len says it was all part of my plan Oliver gives him a look but Len says you have a date to go on now get as Oliver says how about we go somewhere a little more private? Barry says ok and with that they leave.

Oliver takes him to a nice dinner at one of the best restaurants in town and once they are done eating Oliver says there's a Carnaval in town would you like to go before Barry can say anything about money Oliver says we are on a date and I'm paying for everything since I asked you for this date and I've been planning our first date for awhile baby bear with the nickname Barry blush's as he says I can't say no to that Ollie as Oliver says my nickname sounds so much better coming from you as he smiles Barry says you know I was hoping that you were my secret admirer I've had a crush on you since the sixth grade even though you were a few grades ahead of me.

They get to the carnival and Oliver pays for everything as he said he even wins Barry a stuffed bear that has a Captain America outfit on as well as a few more stuffed animals he then drops Barry off at home as Barry says today was like a fairytale Oliver kisses him passionately and once they break apart he says you deserve it my prince and tomorrow I'm going to pick you up and we are going to spend the whole day together it'll be me you Kara as well as Tommy and Felicity he kisses him passionately again as he says until tomorrow my prince Barry walks in with his stuffed animals as Kara says how did you end up with Oliver Barry says help me carry my animals to my room and I'll tell you everything she agrees and once inside his room he tells his sister everything as she screams with excitement as her and Felicity are the only ones he told about his crush on Oliver Queen he then tells her he's going to bed as he's had a long day before he goes to sleep he gets a text that says.

Oliver: I can't believe how lucky I am to have the most beautiful amazing man as my boyfriend and I can't wait to see you tomorrow night my little bear.

Baby bear: thank you for the best date and night and I'm the lucky one to have my Prince Charming be the man of my dreams.

Afterwards he falls asleep and has the most amazing dream ever.

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