You Broke Up With Me

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Oliver and Barry met in college and a week later Oliver is always in Barry's room hangout he has a thing for him he's always known he was bi but he doesn't want people to know cause his mom has always said that the Bored members of QC won't back a fag so he's never told his mom and since his dad die in a boating accident it's up to him to be the president of QC once he's done with school.

He told Barry that he wanted to be with him just he wasn't out yet and Barry was ok with that he didn't want to lose Ollie he loved him and wanted him to take his time coming out he knows how scary it can be he knew his parents wouldn't care where he loves as long as he was happy and when he came out that's what they told him when he told them he was gay so he's not going to push him about it after they have been going out for a month and a half they started having sex and Oliver is always at Barry's cause he's in a fraternity so he is usually always staying the night in Barry's room cause it's just Barry has an appointment off campus so it's more private.

-Time Jump-
It's two months before graduation Barry and Oliver are hanging out when Oliver says I have to talk to you we have to break up Barry looks at him before he can ask why Oliver leaves Barry is crying on his couch the next few days Oliver avoids Barry like the plague and Barry's best friend Kara notices that Barry hasn't been his happy self so he goes over to his apartment with pizza potstickers and two gallons of ice cream and movies she uses the spare key he give her she says Barry Its movie night I bought pizza potstickers and ice cream Barry comes out in his pjs as she says I don't know what's wrong but I'm not leaving till we eat and talk while we watch movies all he says is he broke up with me and she puts everything down and goes and hugs him.

Kara is the only one who knew about Barry and Oliver cause it was their movie night and she let her self in the apartment and that's when she seen something she didn't want to see as she seen Barry riding Oliver and when she said oh my god I'm so sorry that's when Barry looked over and then she said I'm going to go and I'll see you tomorrow and we can talk Barr as she gives him a thumbs up before she leaves Barry looks at Oliver who kisses his neck as he continues to pound into him as he then lays him down on the couch as he puts Barry's legs over his shoulders as he gets a better angle and he hits his sweet spot every time once he comes deep inside of him then Barry comes as they lay there Oliver looks at Barry as he says about what happened with your friend do you trust her Kara yes she's my best friend I trust her with all my secrets as he says I didn't tell her it was you but we did talk about the people we are dating Oliver looks at him as he says well then I trust you and if you trust her and since she's seen us you should invite her over for breakfast so we can all talk. Flash Back Ends

Kara looks at him as she says come on let's watch the Captain America movies while we eat and then afterwards we can eat all the ice cream Barry says I don't want to eat or watch anything I just want the pain to end Kara says come here as he curls up in her arms as he cry's and tells her he won't even talk to me I don't know what I did he just ended it as he is crying even harder she is just there for her best friend she decides that later she's going to find Oliver and give him a piece of her mind soon Barry is sleeping she takes him to his bed.

She leaves him a note then she goes to find Oliver she finds him at his stupid frat party making out with some drunk girl so she taps him on his shoulder as she says we need to talk he doesn't look as he says I'm busy right now she taps him again and he looks at her and sees how pissed she is so he takes her to his room as he shuts the door and locks it when he turns around she slaps him hard in the face as he says I deserve that she says yeah you do Barry is a mess because of you why did you break up with him? And why have you been avoiding him? Oliver says I love him and I miss him but I can't be with him I never wanted to hurt him but I'm not out and in two months we will be graduating and he can move on my mom told me that QC's board of directors won't back fags Kara looks like she's about to slap him again as he says her words not mine and she knows them so I can't be with the man I love if I want to run my father's company she says your an idiot the board of the directors can't do that it seems like you're mother just can't handle anyone who loves the same sex thanks for destroying my friend just cause you can't deal with your mother being a homophobe. With that she walks out as she says have a nice life then she leaves Oliver doesn't go back to the party as he doesn't feel like getting any because he really does love and miss Barr.

A month later Kara and Barry are at a party when Barry and Kara are dancing when Ray Palmer comes to Kara and asks her if he can dance with Barry she smiles as she leaves Barry to dance with Ray as they are dancing Oliver sees this and he gets jealous cause the party is at his frat house it there last party before they all graduate once the song is over Ray goes to get him and Barry drinks Oliver sees this as his opportunity to go talk to Barry as he says hey Barry what are you doing with Ray Palmer? Barry looks at him as he says you don't get to rain on my parade you broke up with me he then walks away.

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