You Got To Hide Your Love Away

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A/N: So while watching Glee season 5 I got the idea for this story and for this to work they have to be in school. P.S. I know it's funny that I'm using them for glee since two of them were in the show.

Oliver Queen is the popular kid of there school he's the captain of the football team as well as the archery club and lacrosse team but he's also a bit of a jock and because he comes from money he acts like a jerk and the principal was sick of it so he told Oliver and his group of friends that if they want to stay on the teams they are on then they will join the glee club as there punishment for what they have done as she says and if you don't join glee club then your not only off your teams but you will be suspended so they all walk out of the glee club pissed off except Oliver as he would get to spend time with his secret crush that only his best friend Tommy Merlyn knows about as he is also the only person that knows Oliver is gay.

See Barry is the captain of the Chess team and he's also in AV Club and other geeky clubs also Co captain of the glee club with his best friend Kara Danvers, Clark Kent is in the club as well as Iris and Wally West Rip Hunter, Felicity Smoak, Leonard Snart and his sister Lisa Caitlin Snow, Eddie Thawne, Cisco Ramone, Raymond Palmer, Roy Harper, and Nate Haywood they all in Glee club and when they walk into the choir room they see Oliver Queen, Tommy Merlyn, Sara and Laurel Lance, John Diggle.

Before any of them can complain the teacher says meet our new members of glee club as Sara says it was either this or get suspended and my dad would kill me so here we are as Kara asks can they even sing? The teacher says well we are going to find out as the teacher says who wants to go first? And whoever can't sing will be paired with a partner to work on your voice Oliver goes first as he fails on purpose after he's done Oliver asks the teacher if Barry Can help him as Barry says I'll help but if you don't take this seriously I'll make sure that you before he can finish Oliver puts his hands up as he says I will take this seriously cause the principal told us as long as we take this serious she won't tell our parents Oliver says can we practice at your house tonight? Barry says sure he give Oliver his address as Oliver said he would be there at five o'clock.

Oliver and Tommy walk out of the choir room as Tommy says you know you could have just joined glee club your self to be around you're secret crush Ollie as he laughs Oliver says you wanted to be here just as much as I did cause you wanted to get Felicity's attention as much as I wanted to get Barry's attention if I'm not mistaken it was your idea to get us into trouble and into glee club Tommy says I have no idea what your talking about as they both laugh he then says it sucks I didn't even get paired with her before Tommy can finish his sentence Laurel comes up and asks what are you guys talking about? Glee club and how Tommy is upset that he got paired up with Caitlin Snow instead of his crush Felicity Smoak

Oliver arrived at Barry's as he knocks on the door Barry's dad answers the door as Oliver asks is Barry here we have a Henry says yes he's up in his room upstairs second door on the right Oliver says thank you as he walks in and up stairs to Barry's room as Barry is walking into the hallway with just a towel around his waist as Oliver says hey sorry I'm late I couldn't think of a reason to tell my mom I was leaving as he is trying to keep his eyes off of Barry's chest and abs as he's never noticed till now as Barry says I thought you wasn't coming so just give me a minute to get ready as he goes into his room and he shuts the door.

Five minutes later Barry opens his door and Oliver is a little depressed cause his crush is fully dressed but he decides to take a chance and he kisses him passionately then after the kiss Oliver says I've wanted to do that since the first day I've seen you are so beautiful an a amazing person Barry says thanks but I didn't know that you were gay also I've had a crush on you for so long as Barry asks so did you fail the song you did on purpose? Yes I did it was the only way I could think of to be alone with you and I would like to go out with you on a date there is a carnival in Central City if you would like to go with me that way the damn paparazzi won't find me it's not easy being the prince of Sterling City Barry says that sounds like fun Oliver says great let's go.

They get to the carnival in Central City and they are having a blast and Oliver won him some stuff animals and they are walking around when they run into his ex Quinn Fabray
as she says well well now I see why it never worked out with us cause your a fag and when you're mother finds out she's going to flip cause I posted a photo of the two of you on Instagram cause you look so cute together Oliver looks pale so Barry says oh no we aren't together we are just friends and I was visiting family here and we just ran into each other here and he offered me a ride home as she says yeah ok and walks away from them once she's gone Oliver says thank you so much and he goes to kiss him but Barry stops him as he says I like you Oliver I do but you obviously don't want people to know the real you and I'm not going to try to tell you when or how to come out but I'm not going to be in the closet again and I can't be with someone who is ok with hiding who they really are as he's saying all this he's crying then he walks away with the stuffed animals and leaves Oliver there by his self.

The next day at school Oliver finds Barry and pulls him aside as he says look I want to go out with you but I want to make sure that we will work before I do something like coming out Barry looks at him as he says there isn't any guarantee that we will work or that we won't and if you're not ready to come out then don't but I don't want to be the reason that you come out for so I'm sorry but in till you before he can finish his sentence Oliver kisses him passionately and then says I'm going to come out cause I want to see where this can go with us and I'm tried of hiding who I am just because I'm scared of living my life as he says so he says will you Barry Allen will you go out with me? Barry says yes as he kisses Oliver after the kiss Oliver says I'll tell everyone in glee and then my family tonight then he kisses him passionately.

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