Don't Speak

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A/N: They are human and have some what of both parents.

Henry and Nora know he's really smart and gets picked on a lot so they both decided to send him to the best private school where he wouldn't get picked on anymore and he would excel and have friends he could relate with.

When he gets home from school his parents are there waiting for him when he comes in Nora says my sweet boy please seat down we have some good news for you Barry seats as she says your dad and I are sending you to Sterling City Prep so you can use that beautiful mind of yours to it full use and have friends she says you will love it and your be home every holiday he hugs them as he says thank you.

They drive Barry to school and he finds her roommate to be Eddie Thawne and they become really good friends and roommates since they will be roommates for the next year his mom and dad leave and he gets settled into his room as he and Eddie talk and help each other set up there room.

~Time Jump~

Halfway through the school year Barry mets his friends who are also in his classes with him Felicity Smoak, Kara Danvers, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Raymond Palmer, they are going to the football game to cheer on his roommate Eddie and the other team mates who they are friends with that and Felicity is dating Tommy Merlyn who is also on the team as Ray is dating Nate Haywood who also happens to be on the team Barry has a crush on two of the football players Eddie and Oliver Queen who also happens to be the co captains of the team.

See Eddie is the first freshman to make captain or co captain in the history of the school he's also one of the only openly gay football players some are still in the closet like Oliver Queen see Barry is also out he's known for awhile that was one of the many reasons he got picked on at his old school but at Sterling Prep he can be who he is without worrying and all his friends love and support him they also know about his crush on Eddie they keep telling him to go for it but he doesn't little doses he know is Oliver likes him just hasn't asked him out yet cause he's not out and his mom would flip her shit if she found out his sister Thea keeps telling him he can be himself at school cause the teachers and staff have also signed papers that basically says since so many kids that go to the school come from money as long as it's not something in dangerous to the students then what happens at the school stays at the school it's away for the students to be who they want to be students also sign the document as well.

The football team won the game and their was an after party at the Queen mansion since their parents weren't home and it was a weekend so everyone that was invited went Barry and his friends were invited because of Eddie Oliver and Tommy they go to the party and are having a fun time Barry goes into the kitchen were he sees Oliver so he says congratulations on winning the game Oliver thanks him then says do you want to go hangout with me in my room? Barry says sure so they go to Ollie's room they talk as Oliver says I like you and want to get to know you better then he kisses him passionately once they break for air Oliver says want to watch a movie as they are watching it they fall asleep before the night is over Barry ends up using Oliver as his pillow as Oliver ends up with his arms around Barry.

The next morning when they wake up Oliver says good morning beautiful as he says I want to go out with you but I'm not out to my mom yet and she Barry says we can always just date at school even though you're graduating before me but we have two years Oliver says I would like that so he kisses him passionately then says we should go downstairs and I'll make breakfast they get up and go downstairs to the kitchen where Tommy, Felicity, Eddie, Caitlin, Ray, Kara and Cisco are already making breakfast as Tommy says it's about time you two woke up we already cleaned up and made breakfast as they all sit down and eat as they all talk.

Monday at school Oliver and Barry are dating and he mets Barry by his locker every morning with coffee and a kiss and they hangout and talk with all of their friends Oliver asks Barry to go on a date Friday as everyone cheers Eddie is a little jealous but happy for his best friend school ended and they Barry and Oliver are in Oliver's room as they are talking and hanging out the week flys by and it's Friday night as Barry gets ready for his date Oliver is knocking on the door at seven fifty once they get to his car he opens the door and closes it then gets in and says I hope you like Mexican food cause I know of this place they have great food they get their and as they eat they are talking Oliver pays and they go back to the dorms they are making out the next morning they talk and Oliver says he had a great time last night he kisses him passionately.

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