Hand Jive

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Barry and Oliver are at S.T.A.R. hospital as Caitlin Snow is deriving their son as Barry is pushing Oliver is right beside him telling him he's doing a great job and how much he loves him once the baby is born Caitlin asks Oliver if he wants to cut the cord so he says yes of course so he cuts the cord and then Caitlin takes their baby boy to clean him up Oliver goes to Barry's side and kisses his forehead as he says our son is beautiful and I love you so much as Barry says I love you too then Caitlin comes in with their son she hands him to Barry as she says daddy here is your beautiful baby boy Barry looks at him as he says he has Oliver's eyes Barry says beautiful Roy Henry Queen Oliver says after your dad? As he says it's a beautiful name baby I love it.

~Two months later~
Barry is at home taking care of Roy Oliver was helping but he had to run to the office since he's the C.E.O. Of Queen Consolidated since his father retired there was a big account that Oliver couldn't miss cause it was about the merger of Wayne Enterprises and Queen Consolidated he told Barry he could always call Bruce and talk to him but Barry said he would be fine and tell Bruce hello for him Oliver kissed him passionately before he left.

Once Oliver gets to the office he sees Bruce seating in his office as Felicity says Oliver do you have pictures of the baby? And I tried to get Mr.Wayne to wait but he said that he needed to speak to you right away Oliver says thank you Felicity oh and what kind of father would I be if I didn't have pictures of my beautiful son she says show me so he pulls out his phone as he starts showing her pictures of his family Bruce comes out as he says Oliver long time as they hug as he says sorry I was on my way inside my office but I was showing Felicity pictures of my son and my husband Bruce says oh yes I heard that you of all people were off the market and was actually married but I didn't believe it till now as says is that you're baby boy? Yes it's actually both my boy's Bruce says wow how did you get so lucky and get someone as hot as Oliver says Barry Queen we met when we were in high school he actually tutor me in math and science so I didn't flanked out and so I could still stay on the football and archery teams as Oliver thinks back as he says he's my sexy nerd.

Bruce asks how come I wasn't invited to you're wedding? As Felicity says no one was invited to the wedding they ran away off to Vegas and eloped as she looks mad well Barry's parents died when he was younger and he didn't want a big expensive wedding and I love him and didn't care how we got married as along as we did Bruce says well in that case we can put a hold on this and call your husband cause I'm taking you him and your baby boy shopping Oliver says oh that's nice of you but how about you take Felicity and she can help you pick the things out for us Felicity is about to says something as Oliver tells her I'll still pay you for the whole day as Bruce says plus your be spending my money and I may buy you some things also she grabs her stuff as she where are you going? Oliver says I'm going home to be with my beautiful family.

Oliver gets home and Barry doesn't hear him pull up or come in so Oliver goes to surprise his husband as he hears music he walks up to the babies room as he sees his husband dancing as Roy is watching him till he finally falls asleep and Barry turns the music down and turns around finds Oliver who scared him half to death as he says I thought you were at the office? Oliver comes up behind him as he warps his arms around his waist as he says I was but Felicity wanted to see baby pictures and then Bruce came and seen them and said he wanted to takes us out and buy a weeding and baby presents but I told him to take City so I could come back home to my boys but when I got home I seen you dancing and it was sexy to watch Barry turns around in his arms as he says it was the only thing I could think of to try to get him to sleep and it worked Oliver carries Barry out of the the baby's room.

Oliver carries his tired bear to their room and he lays him down gently as he lays next to him as Barry I'm just going to take a nap as he falls asleep on Ollie's chest Oliver just smiles as he lays there playing with Barr's hair as he sleeps peacefully as he thinks this is the life.

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