Just A Kiss

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A/N: Not Heroes normal people and Barry is a cop not CSI his parents are alive he goes he lives in Sterling and in this the Queen family didn't make their money from their company.

Robert Queen grow up poor and his father was the leader of the most Notorious gang called the Arrows and they were based in the glades but the gang stole from the wealthy Sterling but also from the shops in the glades for their protection and Robert's dad show him the ropes and he in turn showed his son Oliver and Oliver Queen is now the leader of the Arrows.

Barry Allen is a undercover cop who was tasked with getting into the Arrows gang and try to stop them from the inside and to keep a turf war from starting as someone from the Flash gang killed Thea Queen Oliver's sister or that's what they were made to believe their is someone else who wants both city's for their self and Barry did exactly as he was supposed to he even made his way to the top as Oliver's right hand man but what Barry nor Oliver intended on was falling in love as Barry is trying to get to who killed Thea but as far as Oliver knows Barry's name is Sebastian Smythe

Sebastian was on a date with Oliver at his favorite restaurant it was just the two of them inside but he had his man outside with orders not to disturb them Oliver is singing to Bass when all of a sudden Bass favorite Lady Antebellum came on so he slides over to Bass' side as he is singing to him passionately once the song is over he kisses him passionately as he says Sebastian Smythe I love you and would love it if you would be my boyfriend I've never felt this way with anyone yes I've had girlfriends and boyfriends but it's different with you I feel that I can trust you that you're the one person in my life that won't hurt me as he holds him in his lap as he says and I promise I'll never hurt you my love Bass kisses him passionately as he can't tell him the truth about his job but he never imagined that he would actually fall in love with a criminal but Oliver is more than he appears to be he doesn't hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it and he's never killed anyone yet as Barry knows if he finds who killed Thea Oliver will kill them after the date they go to Ollie's place and they watch a movie and cuddle as Bass falls asleep on Oliver's chest Oliver picks him up and takes them to his bed.

The next day Bass goes and talks to his mom before he goes to see the officer he's supposed to check in with he knows that he's not being followed by Ollie's guys cause Oliver has been teaching him how to defend himself or so he thinks cause he knows how to fight when he needs to but what he doesn't know is that he is being followed by the other gang.

Barry goes inside and finds his mom before he can say anything she says my sweet boy what is wrong with you? He tells her what he can and she says son follow your heart I know that you're heart will lead you to were your answers he thinks her as he says you always know the right thing to say he hugs her then leaves before he can go check in with Snart he gets knocked out and put in the back of a van when he wakes up he's in what looks like an abandoned wear house he asks do you know who I am? As he hears someone say yes you're Oliver Queen's boyfriend but how long do you think that will last when he finds out your secrets? What secrets we'll the truth which I find amazing that you've hidden it this long Mr. Allen amazing how a cop could get in to his gang but don't worry he won't ever find that out at least not till you're dead but he will find out that you killed his little sister Barry yells who are you? Me I'm the leader of Hive the gang that's made sure the Flash and Arrow kill each other so I can take over both cities my name is Damien Darhk.

Barry says I didn't kill Thea I may have lied to him about who I am but I'm not a murder Darhk looks at him as he says your right I did but right now he's just received the video evidence of you killing not only Thea but also Sara Lance oh by the way your free to go he's knocked out again.

Later that night he goes back to Ollie's once he's inside he kisses him passionately but Oliver doesn't return the kiss as he says I trusted you and you lied to me Bartholomew Henry Allen and you killed my sister and my girlfriend it all makes since now kill her and work your way up and get me to trust you the only thing I can't figure out is if you were going to kill me and take over or arrested me? Barry is in tears at this point as he says yes I'm a cop and at first it was about putting you away but then I fell in love with you that part was never a lie and if you ever believe in us or anything that I told you about us at least listen to me and you're heart when I tell you I didn't kill Thea or Sara but I know who did and they are getting arrested as we speak I knew I was being followed so I lost them and met with my handler and then let them catch me and take me.

Oliver says I believe you but you lied to me I should kill you for that alone but what I told you was also true he walks over to him but Barry doesn't even flinche as he knows Oliver won't hurt him he knows it in his heart and soul to be true but Oliver dose surprise him as he kisses him passionately afterwards he says it's just a kiss but I want more than just a kiss as Oliver says let's runaway together leave everybody and everything else behind we can start a new life together I know a place we're no one will ever find us and we it's clothing optional Barry looks at him as he says yes let's go but first there is one thing that I have to do he writes a letter to his mom and dad and leaves his badge and gun with the letter on his mothers front porch then gets back on Oliver's bike and they ride off in the sunset together.

The End..

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