Running Home To You

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This is the squeal to you broke up with me also this song was requested by Westallen_is_goals so I hope you like it and thank you for reading and voting on my story's sorry it took so long since it took so long this one is really long I honestly think it's the longest one I've ever written hope you like it Westallen_is_goals
It's been two years since Oliver broke up with Barry and he went back to Sterling City where he took over his father's company and he even met a lovely woman and they've been dating for a year and a half just to please his mother he talked to his sister Thea about it since they are close and she told him how much of an idiot he was for breaking up with Barry since he is obviously the love of his she then says Ollie you have to do what makes you happy and not what are crazy ass mother wants you to do or be and the broad of QC will back you up it was your right to run QC and you need to tell Caitlin cause it's not fair to her either and she deserves to know the truth Oliver asks how did you get to be the older and wiser sibling as they laugh Thea says that's because I'm more mature than you as she hugs him.

Oliver goes home but Caitlin is still at work so he decided to cook dinner for them everything is done and the table is set and everything is ready when Caitlin walks in the door as she says Ollie are you here? He says yeah Cait I just got done with dinner she kisses him on the cheek as she says everything looks amazing she sits down as Oliver pushes her chair in and says I'll get the wine he leaves the room then comes back with wine and two champagne flutes she says what's the occasion? Can't I just cook dinner for my girlfriend? As Caitlin says well you could if you didn't have that I'm sorry I just ran over your cat look on your face.

Oliver says well there is something we need to talk about and I feel you might hate me afterwards and I just want to say before I say anything I'm sorry Caitlin she says Ollie pleases just tell me he says ok well to understand I have to start from the beginning so he tells her about his mom and how he's bi and how when he was away at college he fell in love with his boyfriend Barry Allen and then two months before graduation I broke up with him just cut him out of my life and I hurt him really bad and then a few weeks before graduation my frat house throw a party and he was there with his best friend and then he was asked to dance by Ray Palmer and they did and I seen him there I got jealous and went to talk to him and ask him why he was with Ray and he told me I broke up with him and I didn't get to rain on his parade then he walked away and I came back home and did everything that my mom wanted me to do and here lately I've been thinking about him and how I miss him I even wrote a song for him and I record it as he says all this he's in tears as Caitlin says oh Oliver I'm sorry that you had to go through all that he says but I did love you in the beginning then I heard that Ray Palmer was getting married but no knows who that part is being kept quite and after I heard that all I could think about is how I screwed up with Barry and how I haven't talk to him and I just keep picturing him marrying Ray and when they played my song on the radio I was hoping he would here it and he would call me and ask me about it then when I did the interview on the radio when they asked me why I wrote the song I said I wrote it for someone special and my mom and you thought it was about you so I let you think that she hugs him as she says Oliver I'm not mad I've kinda of known for awhile that you won't happy and I wasn't very happy ether and I did something that I'm not proud of she says I've been cheating on you and I know how you feel cause my mom only wanted me to get with you cause your company or your mom wouldn't fund any of her work in less we got together so I did it to get my mom off my back and I did love you but it wasn't enough to make me not cheat on you Oliver hugs her as he says well now that we have that out of the way can we still be friends she says yes I would love that and there is one more thing I need to tell you as he looks at her she says Barry isn't getting married to Ray I'm the one who is in love with him and about to marry him cause he told me that night after your party at college when he and Barry left Barry told him that he had just gotten out of a relationship with with someone he truly loved and he wasn't ready and didn't want to hurt him so they just stay good friends and Barry isn't seeing anyone he and Kara actually live in Sterling they both work at Rays company.

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