What If I Never Get Over You

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A/N:Tommy never died he's with Felicity and he's the one that helped his girlfriend get their best friends together. But he knows that Oliver is Green Arrow and that Felicity helps him and he knows that Barry is the Flash it's easier that way. P.S. So I'm making the speedforce kinda of like the elders from Charmed and I'm not talking about the new one I'm talking old school Charmed the only one that I watch also like my sister Damonlover81 said we both try to out do the other one and I bought the song with the same intentions she just bet me to it but please if you haven't read any of her story's please do so and don't forget to vote and comment on them. P.S.S Oliver on earth four never lost his dad mom or their company.

It's Barry and Oliver fifth year anniversary and Oliver has planed every thing out and he's planning on proposing to Barry tonight at their favorite restaurant in Sterling City and both teams know and will be there even Joe give Oliver his blessings as he also told Oliver that both of Barr's parents where here they would agree that you make Barry so happy thank you for taking care of my son he then shakes Oliver's hand and hugs him which is a big step for the both of them Felicity is driving Barry to his proposal as she told him that Tommy and Oliver set up this date.

They get there and Barry gets City's door and then they walk in talking once Barry sees everyone he loves there also his family before he can ask Felicity anything Oliver says baby bear when you first walked into my life you took my breath away and I knew that some how I would end up with the light of my life so will you marry? Barry is crying as he kisses him passionately then says yes and everyone claps.

Two days later they before they go save their city Oliver says after we stop this you're going to be Mr. Allen-Queen Barry kisses him passionately as he says I've always been Mr. Allen-Queen it'll just be official once we save the world then he runs them into the battle the battle lasted for what felt like forever to Barry and when they had just about won Savitar came out of nowhere and it was like slow motion for the Flash as he tried to get to Ollie as he was running he seen Savitar stub Green Arrow in the heart then he was gone and Flash was on his knees holding Green Arrow as he says Ollie please hold on we won we'll get you back to S.T.A.R. Labs and fix you as Oliver says I love you Mr. Allen-Queen he gets up to give him one last kiss then he's gone.

Vibe comes and opens up a breach and Flash walks through it with Green Arrow in his arms as Iris sees this as she a reporter talking to Killer Frost once a they both see this Killer Frost says I've got to go and Iris looks at the camera as she says back to you she then leaves as she along with everyone else get back to the hall of justice she sees Barry out of his suit talking to before she can go Felicity says Oliver didn't make it and Barry isn't taking it well Kara says I'll talk to him before anyone says anything else she goes into the room as she sits next to him after a long while she ends up hugging him as he's crying she told him she would be there for him she wouldn't leave till everything was done she kept her promise and after the funeral everyone agreed that Barry and the Flash needed a break and told him he should go back to earth thirty nine with Kara he agreed and Captain Singh who figured out who the Flash was and the Green Arrow was he told Barry his job will be here when you come back.

Three months later and he's on earth thirty nine he's going out with Winn who knows some of what happened but doesn't ask him to tell him knowing he will in his own time he doesn't even mind that Barry wears the ring on a chin around his neck while they are at dinner Barry looks into Winn's blue eyes and all of a sudden he's looking into Oliver's eyes and he sees him and knows he can't do this he tells Winn Schott sorry then all most people see is a blur leave the restaurant and he runs to Kara's loft hoping that she's home once she answers the door he tells her he missed up he couldn't do it I don't know if I'll ever get over him it's been happening for a while every time I look into his eyes I see Oliver's eyes and she hugs him as she rubs his back as she knows Oliver was the love of Barry's life and it's hard to get over that as she knows that as she lost her sister who went to help them out it's a different loss but she understands she says it's ok Barry he ends up falling asleep on her couch she goes and talks to Winn and tells him what happened to Oliver.

The next day Barry brings Winn a few boxes of chocolates and leaves them on his desk with a note that says he was going back to his earth maybe it'll help him as he also says you deserve someone who will give you the world and love you as much as you love them Kara sees him off as she says I'll come check on you sometime after he hugs her and thanks her for everything.

It seems the speedforce has other plans for the Flash and he ends up on earth four but before he does he's in the speedforce talking to his mom but it's also not his mom and on some level he knows that but he still talks to her like it's really her as he says mom it hurts so much it's not fair as he's crying she says my sweet boy it's not fair but we want you to be happy so we have found away for you to be happy but it's not on your earth it's on this one before he can ask her what that means he runs into someone and gets knocked down as the person pulls him up as they are about to say sorry they both call out each other name.

Oliver takes him to S.T.A.R. Labs as Barry runs them to the lab once their Caitlin Jay Garrick as well as Cisco says it's not possible the Flash is dead as Jay says Barry Allen and runs to him as he says I heard from your earth's Caitlin what happened and I'm so sorry but why are you on earth four he says I don't know I was on my way home when the speedforce told me that they had a plan for me and throw me into this earth's Oliver Queen as he looks at him with love in his eyes Jay says one minute he talks to Cisco, Caitlin and Oliver.

Oliver says don't do anything till we get back as he says would you like to go to Jitters with me they go to Jitters and talk as he tells him how he's kinda of like a cupid on this earth and how Barry on this earth was the Flash and I help him and the team I never wanted to use my powers but then I met Barry my Barry and he told me that there were other ways to use my meta human abilities so I help people find there soulmate as well as be overwatch kinda of from the lab but today my Barry died and we were going to let the world know the truth but then I bumped into you and I know that you're not exactly the Barry that I fell for and I'm not your Oliver Queen but I think we were meant to bump into each other as he says so how would you like to get to know each other better? Barry says I would love that.

One year later that day the world of earth four learned that the Flash died saving the earth but no one ever found out who he really was so that way Barry and Oliver could live normal lives they helped their friends watch and save their city but from the side lines.

~Ten years later~
Barry and Oliver are happily married and they have two beautiful boys named Roy Jonas Allen-Queen and William Joseph Henry Allen-Queen and Oliver's company is doing great as it's the top rated dating service and the only time Barry uses his powers is when he trains there son's or when he and Oliver are in their bedroom.

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