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Oliver is standing at the altar as he's smiling ear to ear as he sees his beautiful husband to be as he thinks he looks so handsome in his tuxedo his mind goes to the things they will be doing once he takes it off of him he looks up to see the light of his life smiling that beautiful smile the one that he loves so much.

Barry gets down the aisle and to the altar he sees Cisco smiling as Caitlin is crying as she's so happy for her friend she also sees that Felicity, Thea also crying as Roy has a smile on his face Oliver mouths to Barry beautiful once they turn to face Sara she says every one please be sited she then looks at Oliver as she says I'm honored that Barry and Oliver have asked me to be the one to marry them cause in our line of work when you met that special person who makes you happy and takes you with the good and the bad then you will have a long and happy life and grant it my job has me away a lot but when I was home and came to visit I could see how much happier Oliver was and for anyone who knew Oliver pre Barry he wasn't exactly the easiest guy to get along with as everyone laughs once they stop she says the change I seen in him was after only one month so I have no doubt that these two will always love and take care of one another she looks at Barry as she says if you need me to come kick his ass I will as everyone laughs again Barry says thank you but I can handle him as he smiles they exchange vows and and rings then she says you may now kiss your husband as Oliver says finally he pulls Barry closer and kisses him passionately everyone cheers as Sara says I now pronounce you husbands Mr. and Mr. Queen they exit the church and are on their way to the Queen manor as the the driver is taking them to the Queen manor as they are in the back Oliver says come here Mr. Queen as Barry claims on to his husbands lap he says this is the happiest day of my life Ollie he kisses him passionately as he says I'm so glad that you said yes Mr. Queen.

They get to the Queen manor as the driver opens the door he says we are here Oliver steps out and grabs his husbands hand as he helps him out of the car and when they get to the door Oliver says umm no no dear we have to do this right as he picks Barry up bridal style before Barry can say anything Oliver says you are my husband and I've always wanted to do this to who ever I married so Mr. Queen don't take this away from me as he kisses him passionately afterwards Barry says how can I say no to my husband they walk through the door as everyone says it's about damn time what we're you two doing? Cisco says never mind forget I asked.

Oliver and Barry are sitting at their table when Cisco says it's time for the toast's with that Thea says I'll go first before Cisco can objet she says when I first met it wasn't exactly the normal way one mets their brothers boyfriend you see Barry says in my defense you walked into Ollie's room without knocking she continues her story anyway I was hearing noises coming from Ollie's room to tell him to keep it down cause I was studying when I walked into his room what I saw there was not enough bleach in the world to wash my eyes out with let's just say I didn't expect to see him riding my brother luckily all I saw was his back and the rest was covered but it was enough for me to learn to knock as Oliver says and me to lock my door everyone laughs.

Caitlin says my turn I remember when Barry came back from Sterling City all he would talk about is how Oliver Queen was so hot and the nicest guy and hot I looked at him as he told me and I agreed with him that Oliver was hot but nicest guy that's not possible cause he's been known for punching paparazzis and being a playboy and using people like his own personal play toys and I didn't want to see my friend get hurt by some rich playboy but that didn't stop Barry cause he sees the good in everyone no matter who they are and because of that I got to know Oliver Queen and learned that you can't always believe what you read also as time went on I got to see how they were made for each other and I got to see there love grow and they give me hope so it may not be as interesting as Thea's story but I'm glad they found each other as everyone says cheers Oliver and Barry cheers as they drink.

After all the toast's Kara says well now that they have embarrassed the both of you it's time for your first dance as husbands and I have the perfect song as she starts singing running home to you Oliver gets up and holds out his head for his husband Barry takes his hand as they walk onto the dance floor as Barry puts his hand on Oliver's hip and holds his other hand as they dance he Barry says I love this song it's my favorite song it's also one of the worst days of my life it was bad enough that we had a fight and broke up but it's also the day I almost lost you that's when I learned you we're my soulmate and I never want to lose you that's why I'm glad you took the ring back after I sang you that song Oliver says.

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