Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not

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A/N: West-Allen Never happened nor did Olicity the couples that are a thing on the show in this Barry and Iris are still best friends as for Oliver and Felicity they are also really good friends.

Oliver wakes up in a strange bedroom as he looks around he thinks I know this place as he puts some sweat pants on and goes downstairs he sees a picture of what looks like him and Iris as he says awe Barry what did you do this time? Iris walks in with food as she says don't worry Barry I learned my lesson I bought you some breakfast he looks at her confused as he says I'm Barry? Iris looks at him as she says are you ok? Are you acting all wired cause you told me that you have a crush on Oliver Queen? Oliver as Barry says what? Barry's got a crush on me? Iris says are you feeling ok Barr? Oliver is freaking out on the inside as he thinks yes I knew he liked me.

Before Oliver can say anything Iris says there's trouble in Ivo labs Iris throws him the ring as she says I Polished it lasts night for you he catches it as he looks at it? She leaves and he puts it on and as he points it straight on Barry's costume comes out and he flashes it on as he says wow he try's to run and hits a few things in Barry's loft as he breaks something as he finally gets it Cisco says I'm Barry you pasted it by like three blocks he runs back then enters as he says to the two bad guys you have failed this city as Cisco says I'm pretty sure that's not your line.

Meanwhile Oliver Queen is training with Diggle as he says did you guys change the bunker? Dig says Oliver this is A.R.G.U.S you've been here before Barry looks at him as he says I'm Oliver Queen? As he helps diggle up as he says yes you are Barry lefts up his shirt as he says I've been hanging out with a rough crowd as he sees his all the scars that are usually on his crush's body diggle says suite up Ollie as he throws him his Green Arrow outfit Barry looks at it as he says how do I put this on? I forget. Do I need help putting this on?
At that moment Flash comes in as he says really? Oliver looks at him with a confused look as Barry says fine I'll help you put it on as flashes Green Arrow suit on him as Oliver asks did you sneak a peek? Oliver asks Barry as Barry says what no Oliver gives him that Oliver Queen look that can make you feel very small and also like I know you lied Oliver as Barry says ok yes but Oliver just smiles and walks away as he feels butterflies in his stomach which makes Barry who is Oliver think he likes me.

Before Oliver leaves he says we need to talk when i get back Barry says ok as he smiles as he thinks how good Barry looks half naked Green Arrow and Diggle are out in the filed as Green Arrows aim is off luckily for them Flash hears this and takes both of them to Oliver's loft as Diggle throws up like he usually does as Oliver who is Barry says that's what that feels like they tell Diggle that they're each other some how Diggle says that's crazy but you know after dealing with Super soldiers an immortal psychopath Aliens and Nazis From another earth some how I believe you guys.

Barry says knock knock to Oliver who sighs as he says who's there? Barry says Kiss Ollie says kiss who? Barr kiss me. Oliver did you really just confess to me though a knock knock joke? Barry says yes it's the only way I could get up the nerve to ask you to kiss me as I've wanted to ask you so many times but I was nervous that you didn't want to go out with me and our friend ship would be ruined but being you I could feel butterflies in my stomach but cause I'm you even though I'm me as you I know that you have feelings for me to Oliver Queen closes the distance between them as he is close to his mouth as he says to Barry are you gonna kiss me or not cause Barry is still bubbling as Oliver sees he's over thinking it so he kisses him passionately as Barry warps his arms around his neck so he can deepen the kiss Diggle walks into the room as he says it's about time you two got together as he says I think we may have a plan to get you two back to who you're supposed to be they break the kiss as Oliver sees that look in Barry's eyes as he says that can wait and before Dig can say anything Oliver flashes him and Barry out of A.R.G.U.S. As he looks at Felicity and says well that idea is going to have to wait as she asks why well they finally figured out how they feel about each other Felicity says about time but I still don't understand why the idea has to as she says oh OH GOD you don't think Dig just gives her that look as she says oh ok then and walks away as she calls Iris and tells her that Olivarry is finally a couple and the fan girl over the phone as she says but you guys have time to get here cause they apparently with that Cisco And Caitlin breach over there.

Meanwhile at Oliver's loft he starts kissing him passionately again as he says I've been waiting to do that for a long time as Barry says feeling is Mutual as Oliver is about to pull Barry's shirt up but Barry stops him Oliver looks at him with a look before he can ask Barry says now I understand why you didn't want people to see you without your shirt because of your scars Oliver tells him someone once told me that the scars help shape who I am and that also added to my sex appeal while he told him that he managed to pull his shirt off as he says and he was right the scars do add to the sex appeal as he traces all of the scars that he got from the island as he does this he then starts kissing each one of them as he moves up to kiss him again as he says scars or no scars you Mr. Allen are still sexy as hell he moves his fingers down to Barry's hole as he inserts one into his hole once it's in he makes it vibrate as he it's inside him Barry says oh my god as Oliver adds another finger as he starts hooking them as they are also vibrating once he's opened him up he says baby are you ready for me to enter you? Barry says yes so Oliver starts slowly pushing into him as he is doing this he's vibrating his monster cock once he's all the way inside of him he kisses him passionately as he says Oliver are you ready Oliver says please start moving so as he keeps vibrating as he's pounding into him as he's making him moan as Oliver says I want to ride you Barry as they laugh I never thought I would be saying I want to ride myself Barry says Oliver laughs as he says technically never mind all this makes my head hurt but as you want Ollie as he gets on his back as Oliver Queen is kinda of riding his own cock once they both come they lay down as they look each other in the eyes as they say this is one of the weirdest yet the most amazing sex I've ever had then they both laugh as they say we should probably get back to our teams Oliver says unfortunately as he dresses himself then Barry back into their suits.

Oliver flashes them back to A.R.U.G.S. As everyone says well as Cisco says it's about time you two finally got together now Oliver looks at him as he says we can deal with that later so we thought that maybe if you guys go to Supergirls earth maybe whatever is going on with you guys maybe it's only on this earth Barry says it's worth a shot as they open a breach to Earth-38.

To Be Continue...

A/N: So I have to say hopefully you all will be able to guess the next song cause it's just got to be done and anyone who is a DC fan and a fan of the DC show that pretty much started it all should guess the awesome song that will be my next story.

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