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"Are you going to hide your results from your hyungs if they aren't what you wanted?"

I was shocked to say the least. I shook my head quickly and he smiled.

"Good. A young boy like you doesn't need that kind of stress of saying out of any submissive subspace, or trying to avoid heats too. Depends on what you are. You might be a caregiver and alpha too, but we'll have to find out. Alright Jeongguk. Tell me, have you ever slipped into little space, felt like someone's toy, felt like a certain animal, anything like that?" He asked and I shook my head

"Okay, does the sound of being in control of another person's actions sound satisfying or arousing? Having a person be your pet or taking care of a little?" He asked and again I shook my head.

"Hm. Well, this brings us to one thing to try and figure out. We're going to bring a little in here and see how you react, okay?" He said and I nodded softly. He left the room for a minute before coming back in with a little on his hip. The little rushed over to me and grinned.

"Hewwo! 'M BiBi!" The girl said and I smiled.

"I'm Gukie~" I said and my eyes widened at the  sound of my voice. It couldn't be right. Either way BiBi giggled and took my hand gently.

"Gukie wanna pway?" BiBi asked and I was almost afraid to speak. It felt something begin to stretch in my mind. As soon as there was something colorful in the sterile room, which happened to be two teddy bears and a coloring book, the thing stretching in my mind snapped and any normal ideas flew out the window of my brain. I jumped off the table and crawled down to where BiBi was playing and coloring and quickly joined in. BiBi gave a soft giggle and scooted over to give me room. I could feel the doctor smile down at me and he crouched down.

"Gukie, may I see your hand real quick?" The doctor asked. I was too busy in my coloring to ask why and the doctor drew some blood before leaving me and BiBi to color. I was happy. Beyond happy. This was so much fun, I felt like I could get addicted to it. The doctor came back in and crouched down next to me.

"Gukie, can you be big? You SG came back and your appointment's almost over." The doctor said and I poured before forcing myself out of little space and sat up on the table again. BiBi was still drawing happily.

"So what's the results?" I asked quietly.

"These are definitely not what you wanted. You're an omega." The doctor said and I sighed before rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"Y-you're sure?" I asked quietly, already m owing the answer.

"Yes, I'm sure Jeongguk. I'm sorry, but remember what I said. Don't hide it from your hyungs. They'll love you unconditionally either way." The doctor said and I stood up before smiling down at BiBi. She grinned back up at me and waved.

"Bye bye Gukie!" She said cutely.

"Bye bye BiBi!" j said just as cheerfully and high pitched before catching myself before I slipped and stayed in big space. The doctor gave me a gentle handshake and a smile before motioning towards the door where all my hyungs were waiting in the other side. I gulped softly and smiled at the doctor before walking out of the building. I straightened my posture and smiled as if everything went fine as I came out. All the others surrounded me and waited for me to speak. I questioned if I should tell them the truth or not and ended up going with what the doctor said exactly not to do.

"Alpha and caregiver." I said with a grin. Try all surrounded me in hugs and I laughed to the best of my ability without giggling and slipping. I knew a single giggle would make me slip already.

As promised, Jimin's treated us all to American food afterwards. It was short since it was fast food and we began to head back to the dorm. When we got there, Jeongguk said he was going to go to the NCT dorm to see Jisung and Mark. I was, but not just to tell them. I wanted to slip. No, I needed to slip. I hurried getting there and knocked on the dorm door to have none other than Jisung open it and smile, pulling me inside and onto the couch. Mark ended up joining us.


"I-I'm a little and an omega..." I whispered and both their eyes went wide.

"Wahh, Jeongukie, do you even know how rare that is?" Mark asked and I nodded, of course I knew. Mark frowned.

"Jeongukie, there's nothing wrong with being a little and an Omega..." Mark murmured and rubbed my back softly. Of course there was something wrong with it.

"Heats and me slipping will weigh the group down. I maybe I should resign from Bangtan..." I murmured. Mark had seen denial before, but never to where one of them quits.

"Jeongukie, don't think that..."

"But I'll just weigh them down. I already told them I was an alpha and a caregiver too..." I groaned and covered my eyes with my hands. Mark noticed me slipping before I noticed me slipping.

"But Gukie, wouldn't it be fun to have 6 daddies? And all to yourself?" Mark murmured, easing me into little space quite easily. I groaned and latched onto Mark tightly while he convinced Jisung to slip too. Jisung crawled over and held me in his arms along with Mark.

"Gukie, your hyungies won be mad, dey'll wuv chu an give chu all kinda of cuddles and kisses!" Jisung said. That was enough to get Jeongguk to begin to ease up to the idea, at least in little space. Jeongguk uncovered his head from Mark's chest and that easily began to play happily with Jisung until they fell asleep on the floor, Jisung's arms wrapped around Jeongguk protectively. Mark's phone buzzed and he looked at it to see Jin calling. He was extremely quiet in case he woke the littles up.

"Jin, what's up?" Mark asked softly. Jin was of course confused to why Mark was being so quiet.

"First off, why so quiet, second off, where's Gguk." Jin said. Mark chuckled and moved out of the room to talk a little louder.

"Jeongguk and Jisung we're asleep on the floor. I'll send you a picture once the call's done. And like I said, Gguk's asleep. I can get him to dance practice tomorrow too, so just tell me the time and where and I'll make sure he's there." Mark chirped. Jin chuckled on the other end of the line.

"You're an angel, Markie.  I'll see you tomorrow then. Don't forget that picture!" Jin said before hanging up.  I took the picture and saved it before sending it to Jin so he could show the others. Mark relaxed on the couch with a smile. He was happy.

(A/n: what do I say, one more update? Two? I have a lot of ideas and I'm a rat for littles prolly cause I am one but anyway- bunny)

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