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When the rest of the guys got there and saw Jeongguk they gave a huge sigh of relief but at the same time felt their blood run cold at the tear stained cheeks they saw. Hoseok very gently stood up as to not wake Jeongguk and began to move towards the van that was waiting for them.

"So what did you mean with shock over the phone, Hoseok?" Jin asked Hoseok sat down and gently ran his hand over the youngest's hair.

"I found him at the park and just though he was petting someone's puppy, but this guy picked him up and tried to run off with him. I doubt he's hurt other than a few bruises but I was terrified that he'd be dead. He was shaking when I got him to the tree." Hoseok explained. Jin looked furious but didn't yell or anything because Jeongguk was still asleep next to them.

"I should find the guy and rip his dick off." Yoongi muttered, saying what everyone was thinking. They looked at a Jeongguk again when he said little moved with a soft whine. Everyone sighed a breath of relief when Jeongguk just shifted his position on Hoseok's chest.

"What could have made him so upset and make him run away?" Hoseok murmured. There was a shifting from beside them from Taehyung.

"He seemed pretty upset over the weight thing, maybe he's freaking out about it. We know very well how out of hand Ggukie gets when it comes to forced diets..." Taehyung murmured. Everyone nodded softly and looked between each other.

"Do you think he'll open up to us if we ask him why he ran away?" Namjoon asked. Jin shook his head.

"If anything, all of us confront him and he freaks out. It should be only of us again who talks to him." Jin said softly. Everyone nodded, deciding that Jin knows best. As they got back to the dorms and went inside, Jeongguk began to wake up as Hoseok was trading him off to Taehyung.

"Daddy..." he mumbled and nuzzled into Tae's neck gently. He got a gentle rubbing on his back before being set down on the bed. As soon as Tae began to move away, tears came to Jeongguk's eyes.

"N-no, Daddy!" He almost screamed. Tae leaned back down quickly and scooped Jeongguk up to hold him close.

"What's wrong baby? What's wrong? I'm not leaving, I just wanted to get you a onesie so you could sleep better. You're okay bun..." Tae murmured and bounced Jeongguk softly. The little calmed down quickly at the sweetness of the actions. He hiccuped softly and held on tightly to Tae.

"D-don't weave d-daddy...I s-sowwy I wan 'way...w-wa scared of w-wa woul' happ'n if I d-did da same ting I did befowe..." Jeongguk whispered, talking about when he got extremely skinny and had to go to the hospital. Taehyung hummed and continued to bounce Jeongguk.

"It's okay baby bunny. At least there was some reason behind it. I won't let you get any punishment, just as long as you let me go get a onesie and BiBi." Taehyung said. Jeongguk nodded softly and moved off Tae so he could do just that. He hurried just in case he was moving too slow since he didn't want Jeongguk to cry again. He came back and gently moved Jeongguk so that he could help him get on the onesie easier. Once he got the onesie on, Jeongguk latched onto BiBi and held just as tightly onto Taehyung, who chuckled and rubbed the little's back gently.

"Sleep again prince. We have the next week off." Tae murmured. And with that, Jeongguk did fall asleep. Just like the lil bb he is uwu.

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