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Jeongguk woke up little, half asleep on an awake Jimin's chest. The older was on his laptop which was 1) on Jeongguk's lower back and 2) keeping Jeongguk warm. He groaned and nuzzled Jimin's chest.

"Dada, wha time 's it?" Jeongguk mumbled. Jimin looked at the time and took one hand off his keyboard to rub his eyes.

"2 in the morning..." Jimin murmured gently before softly running his fingers through Jeongguk's hair.

"Dada gonna sleep?" Gguk asked and out his chin on Jimin's chest.

"Soon, Bunny, soon. I have to finish this though. Our manager wants it done by practice time tomorrow." Jimin said softly to the little. Jeongguk pouted.

"Wan cuddews though..." Jeongguk said with a pout. Jimin smiled softly.

"Can I cuddle you until you fall asleep again and then go back to work?" Jimin asked softly. Jeongguk thought about it and nodded softly before resting his cheek on Jimin's chest. The older set his laptop aside and wrapped his arms around Jeongguk and rolled over a bit. Jeongguk whimpered at the loss of contact from his new bunny.

"B-BiBi..." he whined. Jimin's eyes widened and quickly grabbed the stuffed animal so Jeongguk wouldn't start sobbing.

"She's right here, bunny~" Jimin cooed and carefully gave the bunny to Jeongguk.

"T'ank cou..." Jeongguk mumbled and began to feel himself falling asleep again until Jimin's phone rang. Jeongguk whimpered and whined at Jimin before quieting him quickly.

"Baby, be quiet. The manager's calling and he can't hear you, so be quiet." Jimin said quickly. Jeongguk whimpered again but nodded and stayed quiet while Jimin talked to the manager. Jeongguk could head the manager yelling. He resisted whimpering but ended up doing it anyway. He could practically feel Jimin's wide eyes on Jeongguk. The manager had also gone silent.

"Jimin, was that a whimper?" The manger ask quietly.

"Yeah, Jeongguk's asleep. He might be having nightmares." Jimin mumbled and held a finger to his lips.

"Again? I thought we fixed that..." the manager murmured and sighed. "That's off topic. Have the section finished by tomorrow and you'll be off the hook. If Namjoon has done his part, you'll all have a week break." The manager said. Jimin hummed in response and yawned.

"Got it, we'll be there tomorrow. Good night~" Jimin said and hung up before looking down at Jeongguk again, who had his head buried in Jimin's chest.

"G-Ggukie sowwy, daddy!" Jeongguk said while beginning to cry. Jimin couldn't help but coo.

"Aw, bunny~ I wasn't going to yell at you, if that's what you thought...you couldn't help it, but that should be a once in a lifetime kind of thing, okay? Next time you'll get a little worse punishment, but don't worry about it, okay?" Jimin said gently before pulling Jeongguk extremely close and and cuddling him. Jimin thanked every god around that Jeongguk's crying turn to smiles again. 1) Namjoon would have killed him if Tae didn't first 2) he loved Jeongguk's lil grins.

"Otay, daddy." Jeongguk said with a smile and snuggled back against Jimin's chest. Jimin stroked the younger's hair with gentle hands and a sweet smile as Jeongguk began to fall asleep again. Little drowsy eyelids trying to stay warm even though there was no way he'd be able to stay awake. Jimin put his other arm around Jeongguk's waist to which the little hummed with a small happy wiggle before stilling again and falling asleep in a few seconds after his wiggle. Jimin smiled at Jeongguk with warm eyes and kissed the little's forehead before very gently placing the computer back on Jeongguk's waist after removing his arm. He continued to work for another hour until he finished before he gently put the computer on the floor and yawned. He wrapped his arms around Jeongguk again and closed his eyes.

Jimin woke up to a groaning Jeongguk. He opened his eyes groggily at the younger who began to try and pushed himself off Jimin with a yawn.

"C'mon Jiminie... we have practice..." Jeongguk mumbled and pushed himself up and left the room to go back to his own room to change. Jimin smiled softly and shrugged before getting up and getting dressed before going into the living room where everyone but Jeongguk was waiting.

"Is Gguks coming?" Namjoon asked. Everyone got slightly concerned so Taehyung decided to go and check on him. He opened the door and chuckled at the scene in front of him. Jeongguk  was asleep on his bed, just flopped back and not covered up at all by a blanket. He was completely dressed, but also completely asleep. Taehyung shook his head with a smile before going over to the younger and shaking him slightly.

"Gukkie~~ wake up it's time to go~~~" Taehyung said, stretching out his name and go. Jeongguk groaned and opened his eyes only to try to push Taehyung away to sleep.

"I don't wanna." He mumbled tiredly.

"Jeongguk, we get a week break if we come to practice with Namjoon and Jimin's stuff done. And they got it done." Taehyung said with a smile and began to pull Jeongguk up. He groaned and opened his eyes to push himself up with a yawn.

"Fineeee..." he mumbled and stretched before getting up and following Taehyung into the living room. Everyone smiled at the tired presence of Jeongguk before heading out to the van.


Practice went smoothly this time. Jeongguk had been in little space long enough to be able to resist it for a whole day or two. Taehyung came over to Jeongguk first.

"You know, Jimin and Hoseok are staying here for a while, and your punishment's over now, so you can stay after too." Taehyung said gently. Jeongguk shook his head. He was extremely tired and he knew exactly why. His heat was coming up and soon, so his body was trying to store as much energy as possible. Taehyung nodded with a smile. Every one of them knew already that it was almost time for Jeongguk's heat, and he had to choose an alpha to mate him, otherwise nothing would go right and it could get out of hand if only Jeongguk dealt with his heat. Taehyung smiled and took Jeongguk up on his back before carrying him to the car. Jeongguk snuggled into Taehyung's back tiredly and mumbled something even he couldn't understand. Taehyung held Jeongguk in his lap as they drove home, getting loving glances to the now sleeping Jeongguk in his lap. Taehyung stroked the younger's hair and gently carried him to Taehyung's bedroom before laying down with him and hugging him.

"I hope you choose me as the alpha to mate you..." Taehyung murmured before he too fell asleep with Jeongguk cuddled into his chest.

(God I'm a horrible author - bunny)

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