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Everything had been so smooth, and perfect until now. Why was I sweating so much? Why was I go fucking hot? It wasn't a heat, no I already took suppressants. Fuck was I feeling little of all fucking times I could be little, now??? I let out a groan and squirmed in the bed. I was really just laying in a ton of my sweat. I was sweating so much...

The opened gently at first before getting slammed open and Jin pulled Jungkook out of the sweat soaked sheets and felt Jeongguk's forehead. He was burning up. Jin looked at the youngest in pure concern before yelling at the top of his lungs for the others. They all came running in and all their eyes widened at the limp Jeongguk in Jin's arms. Jin looked up authoritatively and pointed at Taehyung and Jimin and the bathroom. "Go start a cold bath. We need to cool him down. Joon, call the SGSIM&T. Something's off. Yoongi, get the car ready, we're taking him there as soon as he's cooled down a bit. Hoseok, clean the sheets". Jin said before everyone jumped into action and Jin quickly carried Jungkook into the bathroom. They began to try to undress Jungkook, only for him to whimper and weakly try to get them not to. Of course though, he was too weak to fight them off and they definitely took notice of the cuts and scars that littered Jungkook's tummy and thighs. Now was just not the time to address it. They placed Jeongguk in and he whimpered at the cold and again tried to resist but instead just got gently pushed in with 6 pairs of soft hands. He groaned. Steam practically rolled off him from where the water touched his skin. After about a minute of Jeongguk weakly begging to get out and that it was too cold, Jin checked Jeongguk's temperature before hissing through his teeth and hurrying the other two to help him get Jeongguk in some clothes and out to the car. Jeongguk didn't know when, but he passed out, only to leave his hyungs worried sick.


Jeongguk woke up to the doctor talking to the nurse. He still felt little but not as hot. The doctor looked down at him and smiled.

"Gukie, you're awake. I need you to do something for me, mkay? Can you drink this for hyung? Pretty pretty please?" The doctor said, though it was tempting and he really wanted to, he turned his head away and tried to get out of head space. The doctor sighed and ran his hand over Jeongguk's head.

"Gukie, your hyungs are upset with you about the cuts. I know you made them. They're going to be really really upset and you need to tell them you're a little now. And that you're an Omega. If you keep it from them, it'll only get worse." The doctor said softly. He shook my head and curled up into a small ball, making the doctor sigh and stand up fully.

"Bring the boys in here..." he sighed. Jeongguk suddenly grabbed the older man's wrist. "N-no, p'ease..." Jeongguk whispered. The doctor shook his head and nodded at the nurse who left to the room to get the rest of Bangtan. Jeongguk whimpered.

"Gukie, it's the only way to keep you healthy. I promise they won't hate you." The doctor said and tried to get Jeongguk to drink the bottle of formula again but once more, he turned his head away and refused, at least coming undone from his lil ball. The boys walked in and carefully sat down, confused and looked at Jungkook who wasn't looking directly at them and looking at his fingers and playing with them. The doctor sighed and rubbed his forehead before looking at bangtan.

"To sum this all up, Jeongguk is a little and an Omega. He was neglecting his head space, and here we are now, in a hospital room because he wasn't slipping." The doctor said and all of Bangtan's eyes almost popped out of their heads. Not only was Jeongguk a little, he was an Omega. The doctor once more tried to get Jeongguk to drink the bottle, but he turned his head away. Then he heard Jimin's soft voice above him.

"Can I try?" He asked softly and the doctor nodded before moving off to the corner while Jimin leaned down to Jeongguk's level.

"Little baby Koo, can you pretty pretty pretty please with cherries on top drink this for Jiminie. Pleaseeeee?~" Jimin cooed and Jeongguk looked up at Jimin in awe. He didn't understand a thing now, having slipped really far into headspace. He hesitated slightly before carefully welcoming the nib of the bottle into his mouth he drank slowly, which went faster after a few seconds. Jimin and the others were all smiling fondly at how Jeongguk was responding. Jeongguk was on the edge of baby space and slowly brought his hands up to ever so slightly hold onto the older's. It made everyone coo at Gguk trying to hold the bottle but actually just holding onto Jimin's hands very softly.

As soon as the bottle was finished the doctor came in with a pacifier that once more made Jungkook not want it since he still didn't want to be acting like the little he was. He turned his head again and whined every time the doctor would try.

"He's so far into denial that even after telling big Jeongguk that it's not safe for him to deny his head space, he still tries not to. Jeongguk turned to look at his hyungs and reached out to Taehyung. He was wanted to be held more than anything. The would could be on fire but baby space Jeongguk was taking over and he wanted to be held. Taehyung of course happily welcomed him into his lap after the doctor said it was okay to remove the IV since Jeongguk would be going home soon either way. Taehyung smiled at the jealous looks he was getting and hugged Jungkook gently, bouncing him innocently. The doctor gently handed Taehyung the pacifier and this time Gukie accepted it willingly. Almost completetly wanting it. He wanted to be little, but he didn't at the same time. Of course though, his little side won and he happily took the pacifier and teddy bear they gave him. He cradled the teddy bear while cuddling into Taehyung's chest and falling asleep to the older's heart beat and the sweet but perfect silence in the room, that is excusing the gentle suckling noise from Gukie sucking on the pacifier. Taehyung turned to look at the rest of them.

"Share him?" Taehyung asked softly. They all nodded soft with smiles.

"We finally have a little, and we finally have an Omega. I guess we have to share all three parts of him then~" Jin said with a smile before gently petting her youngest's head and watching him nuzzle into Jin's hand. They all laughed softly and finally got permission to take Jeongguk and leave. There were excited to get their new baby to open up and relax meet them, but they were going to have to do some type of punishment for all the cuts on him. That's Another story.

(A/n: now I sleep)

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