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4k already babes, I love you so so much ❤️ also this chapter contains a kind of long rape scene.

Jeongguk didn't wake up little this time. He woke up big, but enjoyed cuddling Tae so stayed there, but found his phone and looked at Twitter. His blood ran cold when he noticed all the pictures of Hoseok carrying him. Tae woke up and saw the younger's terrified eyes, knowing quickly that something was wrong.

"Jeongguk? You okay?" He asked softly. The younger didn't respond and just gave the phone to Taehyung, hiding quickly and trying not to break out sobbing. Tae rubbed Jeongguk's back gently as he read through an article or two, seeing everyone asking if he was a little. There was a notification that popped up on Jeongguk's phone on Twitter that was from bighit.

"Bighit just released a statement saying they'll explain everything soon." Taehyung murmured. Jeongguk panicked and sat up quickly, continually running his hand through his hair.

"Fuck fuck fuck, what if everyone hates me? The agency doesn't even know about me being a little..." He whispered. Taehyung pulled Jeongguk close and bit into his scent gland to calm him down, to which he did. His breathing evened out and his eyes glossed over. He relaxed back against Taehyung and the older smiled softly at him, even though he'd forced Jeongguk to relax.

"Just relax, baby. They're going to come by and ask, but you couldn't hide this forever. It's not your fault, Prince." Taehyung said softly to Jeongguk, who nodded. When Jeongguk was scented, he got extremely submissive and anything commanded of him, he'd do, anything said to him, was the only way he remembered things. It was very manipulative to his mind, but it was an advantage for everyone. It was almost like he became hypnotized.

"So just stay calm until one of the pd-nims come and just tell them everything." Taehyung said and Jeongguk nodded again and didn't fight at all when Tae pulled the younger into his lap and held him there, even if he was big, it was a comfort source.

After a few minutes of soft murmurs to Jeongguk, there was a knock on the door to reveal Jin who looked slightly scared by was still calm.

"Is he big, Tae?" Jin asked softly. Taehyung nodded and was about to move Jeongguk off his lap when Jeongguk held on tightly to the older's shirt to stay there. Taehyung sighed and wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's waist, figuring he'd need a lot of comfort for this to work. Jin moved aside and two of bighit's main representatives (??) who looked at Jeongguk and immediately noticed how frightened he was, even though he was calm like Taehyung had told him to be. They sat down across the room and sighed.

"So Jeongguk, have you been suppressing your little side still?" They asked softly. Jeongguk shook his head gently.

"Hyungs found out not to long after I faked that I was an alpha, cause I got really sick and didn't get a choice to hide it." Jeongguk whispered. His hands were shaking, and Jin came in to sit beside them and take one of Jeongguk's hands while Taehyung took the other.

"So you haven't been suppressing your little side and the hyungs have been taking care of you, right?" One of the representatives asked. Jeongguk nodded slowly and fidgeted with Jin's hand softly.

"So Jeongguk, we have to make a decision here. You can either keep pretending until a further date, or you can risk it and come clean to ARMY." One guy said. Jeongguk nodded and gulped.

"I-I wanna come clean...they need to know." He whispered and both Taehyung and Jin squeezed his hands softly. The representatives nodded and stood up with a tiny bow.

"We'll see if we can't schedule a press conference." They said and left. No one seemed to notice Jeongguk starting to cry again. He pulled his hands away from the two and got up, throwing on a hoodie and moving quickly out the door despite everyone yelling at him to stop. He wiped his tears, being more angry and upset, until he arrived to the place he wanted to be. The boxing arena.

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