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Jeongguk had needed a day or two to calm down. Everyone was concerned about Gguk being little for so long. He hadn't come out of it for a second and was still deep in little space by the time the weight check day came around. Everyone was nervous about their weights, but even more nervous about Jeongguk. When he was woken up, he was little. They didn't even know if they could pull him out of it.

"Baby, you gotta come out of little space. You don't want anyone else to find out about you being little, right?" Jimin asked, coaxing Jeongguk gently. Said little shook his head with a small pout of his lips and a baby blue dress on that barely went over his thighs.

"N-no b-bu' I no wanna be big..." Jeongguk mumbled. Taehyung came over and rested his hand on Jeongguk's shoulder.

"Jeongguk, how about this. If you come out of little space, we'll buy you lamb skewers afterwards. We have a break after the weight check, and you can be little that whole week. Okay?" Taehyung said. Jeongguk pouted still before he sighed and pushed himself up. The childishness faded from his eyes and honestly they looked dull. Jeongguk was visibly upset when he came back out of his room with a white t-shirt and black jeans. He shuffled over to the door and put on his sneakers before looking at his feet. Jimin went over and gently raised his head.

"We'll be in and out of there quicker than you'll notice." Jimin murmured. Jeongguk nodded gently and got a soft peck on the lips from Jimin. His cheeks got a little red, but the more romantic affection towards Jeongguk was shared by all the members ever since the mating session. Jeongguk stuck close to Jimin most of the whole way to the agency from their dorms and fidgeted once they got there. He was a little nervous about being too heavy. Jeongguk had always had an irrational fear of being called a pig, and another fear of failing to keep his rank as a muscle pig. Jimin's hand gently felt on Jeongguk's bouncing thigh, getting him to stop and relax slightly at the gentle massaging of Jimin's hand under the table. Everyone got called into the room to get evaluated and when Jimin left to get his weight checked, Taehyung took the place of calming the omega down.

When Jeongguk's name got called, everyone looked nervously at him. Jeongguk gulped and went into the room. He took off his shoes and stepped up onto the scale. He gulped harshly and his eyes widened when he saw what the scale read.

"75? N-no that can't be right..." Jeongguk whispered. The manager frowned softly.

"Step on the scale again." He said. He did as told and felt his throat go dry at the red 75 that stared back at him.

"Jeongguk, I told you, if you could stay at 70 kg then you wouldn't have to go on a diet, but you ended up 5 kilograms over. So I have to put you on a diet. I don't want to either, but the fans will drag you down for seeming fat, when you aren't. So, very little meat, eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, as little junk food as possible. Okay?" The manager said. Jeongguk just nodded and let his face fall emotionless. He walked out into the lobby and smiled softly, hiding everything behind it. Jimin and Taehyung didn't buy the smile while the rest of them did.

"They're putting you on a diet, aren't they?" Taehyung growled. Jeongguk's smile fell and he did my respond and instead just walked out to the car and got in. He got in the corner and curled up a bit, making him look smaller than he already did. Taehyung got in beside Jeongguk and rubbed his back gently.

"Baby, it's not that bad. We still have lamb skewers to get either way." Taehyung murmured. Jeongguk surprised everyone by pushing Taehyung off.

"I don't want lamb skewers, don't touch me! Just take me home!" Jeongguk snarled and curled up more in his corner. Luckily, Taehyung was smart enough to not fuck around with Jeongguk while he was angry and left him alone. As soon as they got to the dorms, Jeongguk had tears in his eyes and was running as fast as possible away from the car. Not even in the direction of the dorms, but instead towards downtown. Everyone jumped out of the car as quickly as possible and chased Jeongguk down the street. Jeongguk had too much of a head start though and was soon lost to the sea of people. The six of them stood there and looked around quickly.

"Shit, where'd he go? Any second he could slip and someone could just pick him up and run." Jimin growled and ran his fingers through his hair.

"He wouldn't do that...would be?" Hoseok asked. The wind changed and Hoseok got a whiff of their baby bunny and was sent into overdrive and forgot about the others, his mind only focused on finding Jeongguk. He ran as fast as possible in that direction and could smell distress on the trail of Jeongguk's scent. That was enough to almost make Hoseok go full alpha, but not quite yet. He got to a park that Jeongguk's scent stopped at. Hoseok began looking around rapidly before spotting Jeongguk on his knees, petting a puppy that a man had. Hoseok could almost immediately tell that Jeongguk was little from the even more gentle way he pet the puppy. Hoseok gave a small sigh of relief until he noticed the look on the guy's face. Hoseok's eyes widened when the man quickly picked Jeongguk up and began to run with the little, his hand over Jeongguk's mouth. Hoseok shot forwards and as he got close wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's waist and tore him away from the man.

"Jeon Jeongguk, what in the hell were you thinking!" Hoseok scolded harshly. Jeongguk was shivering in the first place because of the man, so Hoseok decided not to scold him more.

"Actually, what in the hell are you doing? I was going to take this little boy to his family again. Does he even know you? Give him back, he doesn't even know who you are." The man said and reached forwards and grabbed Jeongguk by the arm to try and yank him away from Hoseok. Of course, Hobi wouldn't take any of that and twisted the man's arm around to stop him.

"Don't ever even think about touching my baby bunny again, creep." Hoseok snarled and kicked the man in the gut before moving into a less populated area of the park and under the shade of a tree to call Jin.

"Did you find Ggukie?" Jin asked first and very quickly.

"Yeah, I did. I think he's still in a little bit of shock though..." Hoseok murmured, running his fingers gently through Jeongguk's hair to calm him down a little.

"SHOCK?! What happened to my poor baby?" Jin said loudly.

"I'll tell you once you get here. We're at the park near downtown." Hoseok said. Jin hummed and hung up before Hoseok hugged Jeongguk tightly.

"Never run away again, okay bunny? If you ever do, I swear to got there will be so many punishments." Hoseok murmured. Jeongguk nodded quickly and hiccuped. Hobi hadn't even realized Jeongguk had been crying.

"O-otay...I sowwy Hoba...I swo sowwy..." Jeongguk cried.  Hoseok carded his fingers through Jeongguk's hair as gently as possible.

"You're okay bunny, you're okay...I promise, I'll never let another person even think about taking you. I love you so much bunny..." Hoseok whispered and hugged Jeongguk close with his other arm.

"W-wove chu too Hoba..." Jeongguk whispered and hiccuped before beginning to thankfully fall asleep there on top of Hoseok, who smiled and let Jeongguk calm down and sleep. Maybe he'd explain why he ran when he woke up.

(A/n: I need to update this more often -Bunny)

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