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Jungkook was happily asleep on Namjoon's lap while the others sat with them in the living room. Cooing at the yawns the little gave while he was asleep. Namjoon looked up at Jin after a bit and hesitated.

"Isn't Ggukie's little gear supposed to be here soon? It's been a week and half and the orders should be coming together." Namjoon said and Jin nodded.

"Don't worry, Joon. We didn't get scammed. That's the website the doctor recommended. It should be here sometime today. It's only noon, so who knows, it could get here in a few minutes." Jin said. Namjoon smiled with a nod and looked back down at Jeongguk and gently ran his fingers through the youngest's hair.

Jeongguk really was getting more accustom to slipping around all 6 guys. It was getting easier the more he was around them. He was honestly happy that he could be who he was around all of them now.

Just as peace settled down, the doorbell ringing startled everyone and woke up Jeongguk, who whimpered and held tightly to Namjoon.

"It's okay, Prince. No one's gonna take you away." Namjoon murmured, following the comment with countless sweet things. Jeongguk calmed down quickly and laid his head in Namjoon's lap again while Jin called the rest of the boys over. Namjoon grinned when he saw everyone taking a box inside.

"Ggukie, look!" Namjoon said softly and pointed at the boxes.

"What do you think they are baby?~"

"Dunno..." Jeongguk murmured and looked up at Namjoon again.

"Why don't we go and see, huh?" The older purred and gently lead Jeongguk over to the boxes. Jeongguk's excitement radiated off him, even though he still had a groggy face on. Everyone was opening the boxes, and as soon as Jeongguk saw a glimpse of what was inside, he grinned wide and launched forwards to look through things.

"Now Ggukie, how about we take these to your room and we can see what you got in there, okay?" Jimin said and smiled softly at the excited little.

"Okay Dada!" He said happily and stood back up next to Namjoon and practically wiggled because of how excited he was. He grinned at Namjoon, who grinned back and helped Yoongi with a box.

Jeongguk was beyond excited. He was beyond happiness. He was in pure joy as he looked through the 4 boxes. Things ranged from pacifiers to onesies to toys to sippy cups and then to some of the stuff Jeongguk pulled out last. It practically made the alphas drool. It was an innocent thought, but Jeongguk would look sexy as hell. There was skirts and dresses galore. They took up a whole box. Jeongguk wiggled again from how happy he was. He grabbed something from one of the boxes before dashing into the bathroom and closing the door. Everyone was confused but let their jaws drop when their maknae came back out. He was in a dress with frills all over that was a very light pink.  He bounced out of the bathroom and gave a twirl for his hyungs and grinned at them.

"How I look?" Jeongguk asked with a giggle.

"Absolutely amazing." Jimin said in a lower voice that he quickly fixed. Jeongguk didn't seem to notice and giggled before jumping into Jimin's lap and giggling profusely. Everyone's eyes were still on Jeongguk, and that was what made him a little uncomfortable. Some of them turned their heads away while Taehyung went to the box and came back with three things in his hands. He gently nudged Jeongguk's arm, making the youngest look at him.

"I've got some things for you baby. Wanna see?" Taehyung asked before holding up to things. One was a paci that said bunny on it, courtesy of Jeongguk, alone with a pink stuffed rabbit and a bunny ears headband. Jeongguk grinned and reached out to the pink bunny and the paci while tilting his head down for Taehyung to put the headband on. Taehyung did put the headband on while giving Gguk the rabbit and gently nudging the pacifier between Jeongguk's lips so he could suckle on it. He grinned behind the pacifier at all his hyungs while Yoongi edged forwards.

"What're you gonna name the bunny baby?" Yoongi asked and Jeongguk giggled.

"BiBi!" Jeongguk said without a thought. Everyone smiled at the cutie in Jimin's lap as Jeongguk held the bunny close. He snuggled back into Jimin's chest and held BiBi close while quickly getting tired again. Everyone seemed to notice how tired the little got, even when he was big. It was concerning to some extent, so Namjoon decided to call the doctor when Jeongguk would wake up again since he was already sleeping soundly and cutely with his forehead gently resting on Jimin's neck with the rest of his head against Jimin's shoulder. UwU.

(A/n: filler kinda I'm sorry)

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