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Hi my lovely, stunning creatures of this earth. I know, it was quite rude of me to leave and never finish the story, but I'm here for now. I can promise at least another 2 chapters before I end the story for real. I'm sorry for making you wait so long. 


!! Thoughts of SH !!

Jeongguk woke up big, eyes darting around the room. He was searching for some kind of comfort, specifically a person. Despite the craving for someone in the room, there was no one. He was alone. 

A dark feeling descended on him almost immediately and he cast his eyes down at his hands. He knew that it was stupid to want someone with him all the time, but then again, he did was a reason. After everything from the previous night, he was bonded to each and every one of them. It was instinct now. 

He picked up his phone from the nightstand and read through the text messages, a few from staff members and one specifically from Namjoon. 

Joon: Hey lovebug. Me and some of the guys went into town to get some food and junk. Yoongi and Jin are still there if you need anything. Love you <3

Jeongguk couldn't help the overwhelming thoughts that ran through his head. They didn't care about him, they wanted to have a break from him, he tires them out, everything bad that could possibly come to mind. 

Without a second thought in his mind, he opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out a pocket knife, analyzing it almost. He could easily slice open the almost perfect skin of his legs. The thought weighed so heavily in his mind that he didn't hear someone knock on the door and open it. 

"Jeonggukie? What are you doing?" Jin's familiar voice flooded Jeongguk's ears and his head immediately swivelled towards the noise. Jin stood in the doorway with a concerned look plastered on his face. The dots connected in his head and he hurried over towards the younger boy, taking the knife from him as quickly as he could. 

"I knew it was a bad idea to leave you alone after last night," Jin murmured. His eyes were glued on the dark blade. "Namjoon insisted that we give you time alone, but I've seen this whole thing play out before. It's an easy thing to think, but really you should be surrounded by everyone who was with you last night."

Jin pocketed the knife and sat on the bed, opening his arms towards the younger with a gentle smile. Jeongguk hesitated, but felt a pull towards the older. He scooted over and wrapped his arms around Jin's frame and squeezed him carefully. 

"Were you thinking about hurting yourself, Jeongguk?" Jin's voice was purely serious, no hints of concern anymore. Jeongguk shook his head silently, pressing his face into the crook of Jin's neck. Jin immediately understood the lie. 

"Are you lying to me?" Jeongguk stayed stone still now. He even held his breath, confirming Jin's suspicions. Jin let out a slow sigh and squeezed Jeongguk a little tighter. 

"Don't lie to me, sweetheart," Jin whispered. Jeongguk finally nodded, still silent. Jin understood that he wasn't going to be doing much talking and decided not to press it for right now. 

"Was it because you were alone?" Jeongguk hesitated, then nodded. Jin hummed and his caring front came back up. A soft smile laced his lips, his fingers started to trace gentle circles into the boy's back, comforting him a bit.

"I guess we'll have to add that to the list then, huh? We never got done with that either," Jin said softly. Jeongguk just nodded, too content with someone being there to really think about what was being said to him. Jin carefully removed Jeongguk's face from his neck and cupped his cheeks, giving him a loving smile.

"You can't hurt yourself, baby. You're perfect, everyone loves you, there will never ever be anything that pushes us away," Jin murmured. Jeongguk registered the words and searched Jin's face for any sign that he was lying. Once he was sure, he pushed himself forwards, smashing his lips into the older's. 

Jin was a little shocked for a second before a hand wrapped around Jeongguk's waist, tugging him closer again. Jeongguk wasted no time to straddle Jin's lap, sitting back on the older's thighs. There was a long moment where nothing happened other than Jeongguk kissing Jin with everything in him. 

"And I didn't even get an invitation," Yoongi said. He'd come to check up on Jeongguk, but had to admit there was a certain spark to seeing Jin and Jeongguk in a tangle of arms and lips. Jin separated his lips from Jeongguk's long enough to turn his head back to Yoongi.

"Well, now's your invitation. He's going to be needy for at least a week after last night. Omega hormones and all. It won't take long and he'll have practically forgot about me and be onto you," Jin said, then let Jeongguk go back to kissing him. 

As soon as Yoongi sat on the bed, Jeongguk's lips separated from Jin's and his head travelled towards Yoongi. His eyes locked on him and just as Jin had said, Jeongguk seemed to completely forget about the oldest and quickly crawled towards Yoongi. 

Yoongi looked at Jin with a raised eyebrow before accepting Jeongguk's peppering of kisses, which quickly turned into full on making out. Yoongi persisted for a while until his phone buzzed with a text message. Jin then directed attention back to himself so Yoongi could check his phone.

"He's a lot like a dog," Yoongi commented. Jin was just barely keeping Jeongguk at bay.

"Primal instincts. He'll be non-verbal for a day or two, then start talking again, but expect a lot of this," Jin responded, quickly being engulfed in a kiss soon after. Yoongi gave a soft laugh and watched them for a minute before looking down at his phone.

"The rest of the guys are headed back now," Yoongi said. Jin hummed and motioned Yoongi closer, something that Yoongi found awfully intriguing. He crawled over and sat himself beside Jin, now noticing what Jin was getting at. Jeongguk immediately became confused, looking between the pair. He gave a little whine and eventually laid across both their laps, accepting their pets and caresses very happily. 

This was really the only thing anyone could do in this situation. 6 mates would mean a lot of kissing, so the next best thing is to go around in pairs so there isn't someone making out with Jeongguk every second. And the best part? Jeongguk looked adorable to everyone that saw him curled up.

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