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Jungkook woke up big and sat up before realizing he was on top of Yoongi. On top of that, he had a huge headache. All that crying did more harm than good. Jungkook rolled off Yoongi and groaned while yawning. That was enough to wake Yoongi up. The older sat up too and looked at Jungkook with a questioning gaze. Jungkook weakly smiled and stood up only to somehow fall immediately. Jungkook gave a yelp as he fell to the floor his legs felt like jelly, but his heat had already come and passed. He whimpered and tried to get up again with his cheeks flushed pink. He didn't like seeming so weak in front of an alpha. Yoongi was just flat out concerned and picked Jungkook up to place the younger back on the bed.

"Gguks, you feelin' okay?" Yoongi asked with his brows tightly knit together.

"I feel fine...I dunno why I can't stay standing though..." Jungkook muttered. Yoongi faintly felt the younger's forehead and was even more concerned when he didn't feel anything.

"Baby, do you possibly have a headache?" Yoongi asked gently. Jungkook flushes more at the name but nodded. It got worse when he nodded. Yoongi sighed and went out of the room to find Namjoon or Jin. He surprisingly ran into both of them.

"Hey, can you make up an excuses or say Jungkook's sick? He's having one of those migraines that mess up your coordination after finally slipping. He can't even stand." Yoongi said and Jin's eyebrows raised. He looked at Namjoon. Who nodded and went to call their manager. Jin looked at Yoongi before going towards the room. The first thing he saw was Jungkook on the floor, Yoongi seeing it for the second time.

"Jungkook, can you really not get up?" Jin asked softly. Jungkook looked up then looked down before nodding slightly. Jin hummed and gently lifted Jungkook back up onto the bed.

"Namjoon's gonna get you out of practice today, okay? Who do you want to stay home with you?" Jin murmured. Jungkook glanced between the two alphas before gulping.

"Hoseokie -hyung." Jungkook said quietly. Jin's eyebrows raised.

"Y-you're sure?" Jin asked and Jungkook nodded.

"Maybe his scent will help me...his is strongest since he's a pure-alpha." Jungkook said and looked up at Jin with big doe eyes. Both alphas had to resist pouncing on the young Omega. Jin nodded before leaving the room to tell Namjoon. Yoongi gently cupped the younger's cheeks and sighed.

"If anything happened with Hoseok, he makes your headache worse, something happens like that, he goes primal, anything like that really, call us. We're willing to get home in minutes for you." Yoongi said gently. Jungkook nodded and earned a gently peck on the lips that set his cheeks ablaze. Yoongi chuckled and hugged Jungkook before ruffling the younger's hair and finding something to wear to dance practice. Yoongi was in arms distance and Jungkook reached over to gently let his fingers glide over the skin of Yoongi's back while the older had his shirt off. Jungkook just watching how the muscle rippled until the touch and slid down the older's body, slowly, slowly...

"Gukie, what're you doing?" Yoongi voice startled Jungkook and he quickly withdrew his hand and looked down with his hands in his lap.

"S-sorry hyungie..." Jungkook whispered and just got a kiss on the crown of his head instead of being reprimanded like he thought he would be.

"You're sorry all the time, so don't be~" Yoongi cooed, making Jungkook giggle slightly. Jungkook continued to look up at Yoongi until Hoseok came into the room. He smiled at Jungkook and sat on the bed. Yoongi waved with a last little kiss on Jungkook's head before he left the house with the rest of the guys. Jungkook scooted as far up as he could in the bed so his back was against the headboard.

"Hoseokie, can you get my laptop for me, please?" Jungkook murmured. He was going to do something the rest of the guys wouldn't expect. Hoseok smiled and nodded before leaving the room and coming back with Jungkook's laptop in his hands and gently gave it to the younger before laying down close to him and looked up at the younger.

"Ggukie, do you mind?" Hoseok asked while glancing at the younger's legs, making Jungkook smile and shake his head. Hoseok smiled and laid his head in Jungkook's lap while letting Jungkook do whatever it was in the laptop.

"Gguk, you better not be working on songs though, you're supposed to be resting for today." Hoseok said and Jungkook gave a sweet giggle before nodding.

"I know, I'm not working on anything." Jungkook purred and actually loaded up the little website. He smile to himself as his eyes took on a childish twinkle. He wasn't little but he loved seeing everything. He began to click on things that caught his eye and immediately put them in his cart to look through later.

Hoseok was of course confused to what was getting Jungkook to click so much but waited until the clicking mostly stopped before he asked.

"Baby, what're you doing?" Hobi asked softly. Jungkook couldn't help but grin.

"Looking through things..." Jungkook mumbled and Hoseok laughed before sitting up and smiling too.

"How many items do you have?" Hoseok asked. Jungkook gave a giggle and leaned against Hoseok slightly.

"Maybeeeee... 127items." Jungkook rushes the last part and turned the computer screen towards Hoseok. The older grinned immediately and kissed Jungkook's head and accidentally spiraled him into little space.

"That's great baby! I'm so so proud of you~" Hoseok purred and Jungkook nuzzled Hobi's shoulder gently.

"T'ank chu, Hobi!" Jungkook giggled. Hoseok grinned, finally going to be able to have his time with little Ggukie.

"Gonna get wid of some dough, too esspessive..." Jungkook murmured. Hoseok quickly shook his heads

"No, you're not. I'm going to happily buy our baby boy every single thing on this list. Okay?" Hoseok said firmly. Jungkook just grinned wider.

"T'ANK CHU HOBI!" Jungkook screamed and threw himself at the older and hugging him tightly. Hoseok let out an "oof" at the sudden hug but chuckled and hugged Jungkook back.

After an hour or two of giggling from Jungkook at the cartoons Hoseok put on for him, Jungkook was getting really hungry. He whimpered when his tummy growled and looked up at Hoseok, who's eyes widened.

"Awe, is my little baby hungry?" Hoseok asked, pausing the cartoons and picking up Jungkook to rest on his hip. Jungkook sniffled and nodded while nuzzling Hoseok's shoulder gently. Hoseok cooed and went to find the bottle they had again last night.

"Is a bottle okay for you baby?" Hoseok murmured gently as he came into the living room.

"Wan chicken nuggies..." Jungkook mumbled. Hoseok gulped and grabbed his phone to call Yoongi. Yoongles surprisingly picked up on the first ring since they were on break.

"Hey, is something wrong?" Yoongi asked in an extremely concerned voice.

"We need chicken nuggets, ASAP but I can't leave Ggukie alone. He slipped again." Hoseok said quickly while Jungkook audibly whimpered again, loud enough for Yoongi to hear through the phone.

"On it." Yoongi simply said before hanging up.

Jungkook was on the verge of sobbing now. He was so hungry and desperately wanted chicken nuggets. At the moment that tears were about to fall, Yoongi burst through the door with a bag of fuckin chicken nuggets. He was all sweaty and rushed to put some on a plate and put them in the microwave while trying to catch his breath. Hoseok gawked at him and began to laugh.

"Yoongi, did you run?" Hoseok laughed and Yoongi shook his head before taking out the finished chicken nuggets for Jungkook and set them on the table before taking Jungkook from Hoseok and putting the younger in his lap.

"Eat up baby~" he murmured and smiled as the hungry little began to chow down. Hoseok chuckled again and sat close to the two.

"Jungkook ordered 127 things from the little gear website." Hoseok said with an immediate smile from Yoongi.

"You bought them all, right?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok nodded with a laugh.

"Of course I did. He's finally beginning to open up to us and be little, this is a huge step." Hoseok said with a gentle smile at the little, who had his cheeks full at the moment.

"It is. I can't wait to tell the others..." Yoongi murmured. Hoseok nodded with a gentle chuckle.

"Me neither."

(A/n: :,> )

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