chapter one : snivy crushing and thoughts

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Sorry if I remove rule breaking cause I stop out of nowhere and ran out idea when I hit there but here goes

Chapter 1 snivy crush

Snivy prov.

It been a sunny day and another day in the forest none than I can complain . In the shade I can relax and have a good view of the otter I have a crush on. Sigh I wish I just come up to him and tell him how I feel. Instead being here on this tree watching them have fun. Even Pikachu ask me to come play with him oshawott in the lake once but I didn't want to ruin my friendship with him and be laughed at cause I like him. Oshawott is like playing around with the beach ball till Pikachu got distracted by emoga . God I hate that flying rat with wings. She use attracte on every male do her bidding buy good thing only me and tranquil have to stop her little princess. I was so focused on the hate on emoga I forgot the ball hit Pikachu into the lake . I couldn't help it but laugh a bit that happen and the rest of the pokemon laugh aswell but I came down the tree and walk up to the wet mouse . Ask him

Snivy: Hey Pikachu. Your alright?

Pikachu:Hahaha everything is alright snivy* he scratch behind his head and and grab the beach ball turn to oshawott * Hey oshawott! Heads up

With that he send back the ball and continue playing whatever they are playing. When everyone else doing there own thing. Pigknight and tranquil talking to each other. That kinda odd. They haven't talk before now they are haha. Scaggy is playing with axew. It's like they are brothers and I have to keep an eye on them. Someone has to be a mother figure to them and Pikachu sometimes help me out with them when they get in trouble.

Ash: alright everyone it's lunch time

Well I guess time to eat and everyone race down to get there bowl of poke food. I got mine own and sat with Pikachu , pignight , and oshawott. Then oshawott say something to break the silence of pokemon eating

Oshawott: Hey Pikachu can you tell us a story of your adventures with ash before you came to unova

We all looked at Pikachu as he couldn't help chuckles a bit

Pikachu: sure thing. I'm going to tell ya a story that you won't believe. One day on a journey with me , ash and one of ash friends Brock and dawn. We were going to a town there had a lake and.......

Pikachu continue with the story as I eat my food slowing . Then I saw oshawott plate was empty and try taking one of Pikachu food as he was about to. I used my wine and smack his hand away

Oshawott :Ow! What was that for snivy?!

He ask that and then everyone turn there attention to me and Pikachu stop his story when he heard ouch. Then I glare at him but pick up my bowl and take it somewhere else but then Pikachu said something

Pikachu: oshawott. Say your sorry.

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