10 Years Later

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OK so I am starting with a time jump. I will write about a typical morning of all the characters but I won't do a summary later.


Fran-Diego! Kids! Breakfast!

*Diego,  14 year old Carly and their 5 year old son DJ come down the stairs and sit at the table as Fran each serves them up breakfast*

Fran-Carly I need you to pick up DJ from school.

Carly-But Dad is taking me out after school. Why can't you do it?

Fran-I have plans.

Diego-I will do it.

Fran-I thought that you had band practice with the guys.

Diego-But I can just leave early. They won't mind.

Fran-Thanks Diego.

Carly-By the way Mom?


Carly-Dad was going to take my for dinner too. Is that ok?

Fran-Sure if you are back by 9pm.

Carly-Thanks. Well I should go catch the bus. See you guys later.

*Carly grabs her school bag and leaves*


Vilu-Leon! Kids! Breakfast!

*Leon,the 14 years old twins,10 year old Martina and their 3 year old son Carlos come down the stairs and sit down and eat their breakfasts*



Martina-Carmen invited me to go to her house after school. Can I go?


Leon-I will pick you up. Ok Martina if you hurry I can drop you and DJ off at school.

Martina-I will go get my bag Daddy!

*Leon kisses Martina on the head and in 5 minutes she comes back*


Martina-Yep. Bye Mommy.

*Martina hug Vilu then Leon kisses her and they both leave*

Vilu-So Maria you have been quiet recently. What's wrong?


Vilu-You can tell me.

Maria-I am going to school.

*Maria picks up her bag and leaves*

Vilu-Ally what is wrong with her?

Ally-Some guy I dunno

Vilu-Well talk to her, also you should go or you will be late.

Ally-Ok bye Mom.

*Ally grabs her bag and leaves*

Vilu-So it's just you and me. What do you wanna do?

Carlos-Eat ice-cream!!

Vilu-(Laughs) No....


Cami-Girls! Breakfast!

*14 Year old Adriana and 10 year old Carmen walk down the stairs and sit at the table and start eating*

Carmen-Mommy Martina is coming today.

Cami-I remember. 

Adriana-Do I have to be here?

Cami-No because you are visiting your Dad today remember?

Adriana-Do I have to?

Cami-Yes he is looking forward to it.

Adriana-But he is with his new wife and I.....

Cami-Come on if you are not doing this for him then do it for me.

Adriana-Fine Mom.

Carmen-When do I get to see my Dad Mommy?

Cami-Soon I hope....


Naty-Hey sweetie.

Maxi-Hi How did you sleep?

Naty-Great. Where is that son of ours?


Maxi-Wow you look nice today.

Naty-Trying to impress a girl?

Ricardo-No! Just drop it.

Naty-Touched a nerve did I?

Ricardo-Urgh I am going to school.

Maxi-Need a lift?

*But by the time Maxi said that, Ricardo was out of the door*

Maxi-Urrm Naty I have to ask you something.


Maxi-Instead of taking Ricardo to his football game, I was wondering if I could take Carmen out for the day and you take Ricardo.

Naty-Maxi...I am not trying to keep your daughter away from you it's not fair to abandon your son for your illegitimate daughter.

Maxi-Why do you always talk about her like that?

Naty-Like what?

Maxi-Like she is less important than Ricardo.

Naty-Well she isn't my child. Ricardo is and I don't appreciate him being considered the less important child.

Maxi-I am taking her out on Saturday and that is final.

*Maxi storms out*



Celia-I am standing right here.

Ludmila-Where are my daughters?


Ludmila-All ready for the first day of school?


Federico-You look nice.

Ludmila-Where is your sister?

*Their 4 year old daughter comes down the stairs*


Ludmila-Come eat breakfast.

Daniela-Yes Mommy.

Federico-So are you excited?

Daniela-Yes Daddy.

Ludmila-Can you take your sister to school Sofia?


Daniela-Please Sofia...

Federico-Come on how can you say no to that face?

Sofia-Fine hurry up lets go.

*Sofia and Daniela leave*


------Phone Conversation--------


Fran-Hi I was just confirming that you are taking Carly out after school.

Marco-Yeah I am.

Fran-I am glad because she is looking forward to it.

Marco-Great well bye

----Phone Conversation Over-------

So I really hope that you all are enjoying this story!

Sabrina xx


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