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Maria-What's going on with Mom and Dad?

Ally-Haven't you been paying attention? Dad's New manager is in love with him and Mom's angry.

Maria-Wow that's so stupid.

Ally-Well if you met this lady you will see that Mom has a reason to feel threatened.

Carly-Hey guys



Carly-Why are you so late?

Adriana-I overslept

Ally-You haven't been in school recently.

Adriana-My Mom is for some reason letting me and Carmen stay of school all the time. After she lost her Jove, she's like depressed or something..

Ally-Why didn't you stay at home then?

Adriana-It's so annoying!

Ricardo-Hey guys


Ricardo-Guess what? I have a date with Sofia tonight!

Ally-What? She is going out with you?

Ricardo-Yep to the movies. That cinema on Station road.

Carly-Seriously? Ricardo that's the cinema that people go to when they don't want to be seen.

Adriana-Remember? That's where we went when we dated

Ricardo-Oh yeah. Wait, you were ashamed to be seen with me?

Adriana-Welll...I was in a dark place.

Carly-Not the point. You can't go out with her there.

Ricardo-She isn't ashamed to be seen with me.

Ally-Then go up to her now and see how she reacts.

Ricardo-Seriously? That's not necessary because ..

Girls-Just do it!

*They push Ricardo over to where Sofia and her friends are standing*

Sofia-Why are you here?

Ricardo-To talk about our date tonight.

Sofia-Date? You mean tonight in your dreams.

Ricardo-No I mean our movie date.

Sofia-You must have me confused with someone else.


Sofia-Get lost!

*Sofia mouths sorry to Ricardo as her friends laugh and he walks away*

Ally-See? She's evil.

Carly-We told you.

Ricardo-Wow you guys. I just get dumped and the first thing that  you do is tell me about how you are right? What great friends you guys are...

*Ricardo walks away sadly*

The Next Step (Sequel To "The Next Chapter)Where stories live. Discover now