Awkward Moments

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*Carmen and Adriana come home from school to find Cami and Broduey sitting on the couch kissing*

*Adrina awkwardly clears her throat and Cami and Broduey separate instantly*

Cami-(Awkwardly) Hey girls.

Adriana-Carmen go upstairs.

Carmen-If you think I am missing this then you are crazy!


Carmen-You are no fun.

*Carmen rolls her eyes and reluctantly goes upstairs and Adriana waits until she can hear her bedroom door close before she starts talking*

Adriana-What the hell?


Adriana-You are divorced! Dad you are married!

Broduey-Actually not anymore.

Adriana-Why didn't you tell me?

Broduey-Well..I don't know.

Adriana-Are you getting back together?

Cami-We don't know.

Broduey-Would you like that?


Broduey-Why not?

Adriana-Dad can I talk to Mom alone?

Broduey-Sure. I need to go anyway. Bye.

*Broduey leaves*

Adriana-You can't get back together with Dad.

Cami-Why not?

Adriana-Because you love Maxi.

Cami-I am not talking about this with my teenage daughter.

Adriana-Then talk to someone, preferably Maxi.

Cami-Maxi is happily married and has been for 10 years. i wouldn't come between that.

Adriana-But you already are. You have his child, Mom.

Carmen-Are you guys talking about Dad?



Cami-Just drop it Adriana.

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