First Day

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Hey everyone. I have decided that since the kids are teenagers now, I will try and write about them more then I have previously.

Ally-Carly! Adriana!

Adriana-Hey girls!


Maria-We are in high school now!

Ally-Crazy right?

Adriana-Oh look here comes Sofia.

*Sofia and a group of girls walk over to them*

Sofia-It's nice to see you guys.

Ally-Yeah right what do you want?

Sofia-To warn you.

Maria-About what?

Sofia-Just stay out of my way this year ok?

Carly-You walked over to us!

Sofia-Listen, since we are in high school, I am going to be just like my Mom.

Ally-You say it like it's a good thing.

*Everyone laughs but Sofia*

*Sofia then throws all the girls books on the floor*

Sofia-OOOOPS! Sorry.

*Sofia laughs and walks off with her friends*

Ally-I just HATE her.

Carly-Just forget about Sofia. We have more important things to do. Come on



Martina-Oh hey! 

Carmen-Are you still coming to my house after school?

Martina-Yeah I am so excited. You look upset what's wrong?

Carmen-It's just my Dad. I don't get to see him a lot and I miss him. You are so lucky to have two parents...

Martina-You do have two parents. They just aren't together.

Carmen-Well it's still hard. I mean I never see my Dad and Adriana sees her's all the time. It's so unfair.

Martina-(Puts her arm around her) Cheer up Carmen! I am here for you.

*They hug*

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