I Can't Do That..

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Federico-You got in a fight?

Sofia-You see what had happened was....

Federico-You are grounded.

Sofia-But Dad!

Federico-No arguing.

Ludmila-What's going on?

Sofia-Mom tell Dad not to ground me.

Ludmila-Don't ground Sofia. I am sure that there is a reasonable explanation.

Federico-Ludmila! She is out of control! How can you let her treat you like a doormat?

Ludmila-Ludmila is nobody's doormat!

Sofia-Dad, Mom understands how important this party that I am going tonight is.

Federico- I am not changing mind now go to your room.


*Sofia goes up to her room*

Ludmila-You are horrible to her.

Federico-She is so badly behaved! How do you not set that?

Daniela-Dad is it ok if Celia takes me to a movie?

Federico-Sure in fact how about Sofia goes with you?

Celia-Isn't she grounded?

Federico-Yes and this is apart of her punishment. Sofia!


Federico-You are going out with Celia and your sister.

Sofia-To see the Muppets? No way.

Federico-Yes you are and give me your phone.

*Sofia reluctantly hands Federico her phone*

Sofia-I will be waiting in the car.

*Sofia walks outside and slams the door behind her*

Ludmila-I still think that you are being unfair.

Daniela-Well bye.

Ludmila-Stop interrupting! Like I was saying...



Federico-Bye sweetie.

*Celia and Daniela leave*

Federico-Why are you so horrible to her?

Ludmila-That is not the point we were talking about your cruelty!

Fede-I am done talking to you.

Ludmila-You can't just leave in the middle of a conversation!

Federico-I am going to band practice.

Ludmila-On Sunday?

Federico-Yeah bye

*Federico leaves*



Leon-I am going on tour with the band.

Vilu-Now? We have four kids and you are just going to leave?

Leon-Vilu you know that our family is my priority but my career is important to me.

Vilu-And you know that what us important to you is important to me as well but you can't just leave like you used to. Then we just had the twins and I could handle that but now I need you.

Leon-Vilu I rarely ever say this but this is important to me and I need to do this and I need you to support me.

Vilu-I am sorry but I can't do that...

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