Done Trying...

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*Cami goes to answer the door and Maxi rushes in and gives her a hug*

Cami-What was that for?

Maxi-Adriana called me. I know about you and Broduey.

Cami-I am honestly fine. It wasn't serous between us anyway.

Maxi-It still must have hurt though.

Cami-I am just annoyed but Maxi you didn't have to come.

Maxi-I wanted to make sure that you are ok.

Cami-You should be at home with your wife.

Maxi-But..I want to be here with you.

Cami-Just leave please.

*Cami turns away from Maxi*

Maxi-It has been 10 years Cami. When are you going to forgive me?

Cami-I can't.

Maxi-Look at me.

*Cami turns around and looks Maxi straight in the eye*

Cami-I can't. Maxi, I loved you and you hurt me...The things that you said and...All those years ago, I tried to forgive you but I just couldn't so I decided to hate you and that hasn't stopped.

Maxi-Cami, I don't want to hurt you. That is the last thing that I want.

Cami-You married her...

Maxi-I was lonely and you took my child away from me. Do you even know what that felt like? I never got to see my little girl grow up!

Cami-And whose fault was that?

Maxi-You can't act like the injured party here. I was hurt too.

Cami-I am done talking about this.


Cami-No leave...

Maxi-You know what? I am done trying to reason with you. I am done keeping my distance. I am going to court and fight for my daughter.

Cami-Do you really want to put her through that?!

Maxi-I am not going to let you stop me seeing her anymore.

*Maxi storms out*


Hope that you enjoyed it! Btw about the sequel, I have already started writing the first couple of chapters for the sequel and this book should be finished by the end of the month at the latest but if I hurry it should  be finished soon xx

Sabrina xx

The Next Step (Sequel To "The Next Chapter)Where stories live. Discover now