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*Violetta walks into the living room, texting while laughing*

Leon-What's so funny? Who are you texting?

Violetta-Oh it's just Tomas.

Leon-Just Tomas? Since when are you two so chummy?

Violetta-We are just old friends.

*She then picks up her bag and walks to the door but Leon stand in her way*

Leon-Where are you going now?

Violetta-He wants to meet for lunch. I will pick the kids up after.

Leon-Can I come?

Violetta-Can I ask why?

Leon-Because I want to catch up with him.

Violetta-Leon don't you trust me?

Leon-I do but I don't trust him.

Violetta-Stop this ok?


Violetta-Leon. I am going, alone.

*Violetta walks out*


Fran-Is it ok if I come to band practice today?


Fran-Well DJ want to see you and I want to talk to Tomas.

Diego-Tomas? Why?

Fran-He is my friend

Diego-Your friend? He dumped you for Violetta, repeatedly.

Fran-It wasn't like that.

Diego-Like what?

Fran-What is your issue with Tomas? He is a great guy. He has always been  great guy.

Diego-No he isn't and I don't want you spending so much Tim's with him.

Fran-Why? Are you jealous or something?

Diego-Jealous? Of Tomas? Are you serious?

Fran-You haven't even given him a chance!

Diego-I don't want to.

Fran-Diego, I married you. What other way is there to make you stop feeling so insecure?

Diego-Insecure? I'm not!

Fran-You know what? I am done discussing this

Diego-Fine but you are not coming to practice to see him. On forbid it.

Fran-You forbid me? What is this? The 1950s?

Diego-Stop it. You heard me.

Fran-You are ridiculous!

*Fran walks out*

The Next Step (Sequel To "The Next Chapter)Where stories live. Discover now