No Reasoning

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Leon-I will pick the kids up again on Saturday.

*Leon turns away but Vilu gently tugs at his sleeve*

Vilu-How long are things going to be like this?

Leon-I don't know.

Vilu-I-I..miss you and I don't understand why you just won't listen to what I have to say.

Leon-Because that's all I ever do. You slip up and I forgive you. I can't keep doing that.

Vilu-You won't have to.

Leon-Prove it then. Remove Tomas from your life.

Vilu-He is my friend Leon and what about Gery?

Leon-She has been good to me.

Vilu-I bet that she has...

Leon-See? There is no reasoning with you.

Vilu-You know what? Forget what I said. And also the kids and I might just be out on Saturday when you come.


Vilu-Goodbye Leon.

*Vilu slams the door in Leon's face*


Sorry for the short chapter but I really wanted to update!

Sabrina xx

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