The Party (Part 2

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*Leon is talking to Andres and a man but he sees Vilu sitting at a table alone and he walks over to her*

Leon-Hey what's wrong?

Vilu-It's just...everything. But this is your night and I am not going to take that away from you.

Leon-Vilu, tell me what wrong.

Vilu-It's just everything with Cami and Maxi and it's just hard to deal with you know?

Leon-I do.

Vilu-So having a good time?

Leon-To be honest...not really. I mean Ludmila did a nice thing but it's not fun. We are meant to be celebrating the tour not just talking to record dealers.

Vilu-I get it. Who is that guy over there?

Leon-A potential new manager. He is really good Vilu.

Vilu-What about Cami?

Leon-The guys think that it's time that we replace her since she is not married to Broduey and not on speaking terms with Maxi.

Vilu-But she hasn't done any of those things for 10 years. What changed?

Leon-We just want a change.

Vilu-You have to tell her.

Leon-Could you? I mean since you are best friends and...

*Vilu raises her eyebrows at Leon and he sighs*

Leon-Fine the band will.

Vilu-Good now I have to go find Cami.

*Vilu walks off*


Ludmila-So Cami, Pedro here has a band and after your success of managing the guys, he wanted to know if you would manage his?

Pedro-It would mean so much since "All For You" are my idols are for you to get them where they are today, it means that you must be amazing.

Cami-Thanks for the flattery but no. I don't manage other bands because I like to go the boys my undivided attention and I thought that you knew this Ludmila.

Ludmila-I know but I thought that you would reconsider because Pedro's band have a lot of potential. Our fathers are business partners and he is great. And since you are getting fired anyway I thought...

Cami-Fired? By the band? No way.

Ludmila-Federico told me. Sorry I thought that you knew.

Cami-I actually didn't. Pedro I am sorry but it's still a no even though I am getting...fired...Excuse me.

*Cami walks off and runs into DJ*

(A/N In case people are confused, I mean grown up not Fran's son because somebody comments that they were confused so I am just clearing things up)

DJ-Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?

*Cami feels her cheeks getting wet and she realises that she was crying*

Cami-That band are firing me.

DJ-Oh Cami...

*DJ takes Cami in his arms and hugs her while she quietly sobs on his shoulder*

Cami-Thanks for this.

DJ-I would do anything for you .

*DJ wipes a tear from Cami's face and smiles at her*

*Cami kisses DJ and he kisses her back*



Leon-What's wrong?

Ludmila-I did something horrible.

Federico-Tell us.

Ludmila-I told Cami about you guys firing her.


Ludmila-I didn't mean too, I swear. It just slipped out.

Leon-She must be crushed.

Ludmila-I thought that she knew and I am really sorry.

*Federico hugs Ludmila*

Federico-Calm down Ludmi. She was bound to find out sooner or later  and thanks to you it's sooner but it's not the end of the world.

Leon-Where is she?


*Cami is making out with DJ in closet but she suddenly pulls away*

DJ-What's wrong?

Cami-I can't do this. I'm sorry DJ...

DJ-Why not?

Cami-I think that I am still in love with Maxi...

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