New Manager

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*Tomas runs and gives Violetta a tight hug while she hugs back*

Tomas-It's been so long. And you look so different! And beautiful if I may add.

*Vilu twirled her shoulder length, dip dyed hair around her fingers and giggled while Leon stared at them*

Vilu-You look great too.

*Leon then walks over to them and puts his arms prospectively around Violetta and signals Martina to come over to him*

Tomas-So who is this little cutie?

Martina-I am 10. Like double digits and so not a cutie. Mommy who is this guy? I don't like him.

Vilu-Martina meet Tomas. Tomas meet my daughter Martina.

Tomas-Daughter? Wow! I thought that she was a groupie or something.

*Vilu and Tomas both laugh*

Leon-Well it's nice for you to drop in, but we...

Tomas-Didn't Ludmila tell you?

Leon-Tell me what?

*Ludmila walks in with an earpiece in her ear and a clipboard and she is dressed very smartly*

Leon-What's with the outfit?

Ludmila-I am going to be your temporary manager so I have to look the part.

Federico-You look beautiful.

Ludmila-I know. Now Gery come in!

*A woman with short brown hair and brown eyes, dressed casually walks inside and when she sees the band, she has a huge grin in her face*

Gery-Hi! I am Gery and I will be your new manager. I am nice and friendly unlike your last one or so I hear so we will have a lot of fun together.

Leon-Thank you Gery.

Gery-Wow! I am meeting Leon! Sorry it's just that you are my favourite. Can I have your autograph?

*Leon writes in her notebook and gives her a kiss on the cheek while Vilu watches jealously*


*Gery looks at Martina and Violetta*

Gery-The band need complete focus while we get to know each other so you two should leave now.

Vilu-Actually, I am Leon's wife so...

Gery-I am aware of that and I still want you to leave.


Leon-I will see you at home.

Vilu-But Leon..

Tomas-It's ok Violetta because now we can go have a coffee and catch up.

Vilu-Yeah let's go Tomas.

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