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*Leon enters the house and finds Violetta and the kids eating dinner*

Leon-Hey what's didn't you guys wait for me?

Violetta-Why don't you four go upstairs?

Ally-Ok whatever.

*The kids go upstairs as Violetta clears up the dishes ,walks into the kitchen as Leon follows her*

Leon-What's for dinner?

Violetta-Well the kids and I had grilled chicken. I don't know what you are having.

Leon-Why are you doing this?

Violetta-You were late so we ate.

Leon-No you are angry for some reason.

Violetta-Nope I'm not

Leon-Is it about Gery?

Violetta-What About her? I couldn't care less about Gery

Leon-So it's about Gery. She is just my manager.

Violetta-Well she sees herself as more then that and I don't appreciate you encouraging her inappropriate behaviour.

Leon-Inappropriate behaviour? Seriously?


Leon-What about you and Tomas?

Violetta-What about us?

Leon-You constantly lead Tomas on.

Violetta-Not intentionally. Also I am sure that Tomas doesn't have feelings for me but you know that Gery does.

Leon-This whole thing is so stupid.

Violetta-So not only do I lead other guys on, but I'm also stupid?

Leon-I didn't say that. You are twisting my words.

Violetta-You know what? Sleep on the couch tonight and don't talk to me until tomorrow.


*Violetta goes upstairs and Leon can hear her slam the bedroom door*

The Next Step (Sequel To "The Next Chapter)Where stories live. Discover now