Leave Us All Alone

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(Fran's & Diego's House)

Fran-I still can't believe that they are moving.

Diego-I know right.

Fran-A part of me just always thought that we would all stay here together...

*Carlotta walks in and hugs Fran*

Fran-Are you ok honey?

Diego-Yeah I'm fine.

Fran-I was talking to Carly.


Carlotta-I'm horrible! Two of my best friends are moving away and I am going to be left with Adriana. And I love her but Adriana can be so irritating!

Fran-Oh honey breathe.

Diego-I'm breathing.

Fran-Again, talking to Carly.

Diego-You should really be more clear.

Fran-Anyway, this means a lot to Violetta and Leon and we need to support their decision. We also have to support the kids. I mean they are moving to a different country not you.

Carlotta-I know...I kinda promised to help them pack. Can I go?


*Carlotta leaves and DJ walks in*



DJ-Why is Carlos and his family  leaving?

Diego-They are moving away , son.

DJ-Why can't they stay?

Diego-I don't know.

Fran-Well, I need to go help them pack too. See you guys later.

*Fran leaves and walks out of the house and bumps into Tomas*

Fran-Tomas! What are you still doing in Buenos Aires? I thought that you were in Spain.

Tomas-My flight was an hour ago and I missed it so I have nowhere to go.

Fran-I feel bad. You could stay at mine..

Tomas-No. We both know what your husband thinks about me. Also I am planning to get a later flight today anyway.

Fran-Where is your luggage?

Tomas-Oh my God! I left it on the plane!

*Fran giggles a little but stops when Tomas gives her a stern look*


Tomas-I need to see Violetta. Also I need to apologise to Leon.

Fran-Well they are probably a bit busy.


Fran-They are moving to California

Tomas-What? I can't let her leave!

*Tomas starts to walk off but Fran grabs his arm and yanks him back hard*

Fran-Stop. You broke them up before and you aren't going to do it again. It has been 20 years Tomas, just accept that she is over you and move on. Don't you see that Violetta moved on from you? Eve Ludmila who was obsessed with you has moved on. I sure did. Just leave us all alone ok?

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