Bon Voyage! (Last Chapter)

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(At Diego & Fran's House)

Cami-So you guys are leaving tomorrow...?

Vilu-Don't look upset like that Cami. We will text and talk all the time. Things won't change.

Cami-I know but we haven't lived apart in like 20 years.

Vilu-And I am glad that we have always been so close.

*Cami and Vilu hug*

Ludmila-Violetta can we talk?


Cami-I will go find Francesca.

*Cami walks off and Ludmila faces Violetta*

Ludmila-I know that we have never really seen eye to eye....

Vilu-That's an understatement (!)

*They both laugh*

Ludmila-Like I was saying, we might have never seen eye to eye, and I might have tried to get rid of you before, but I am kinda sad that you are going and I am sorry for everytime that I was horrible to you.

Vilu-Thanks Ludmila, you are a really great person.

*Vilu and Ludmila hug*


Maxi-So I hope that you have fun in California, Leon.

Leon-Thanks Maxi, are you ok Andres?

Andres-It's just a really emotional time for me. You are leaving me alone with these losers! No offence guys..

Maxi-(Sarcastically) None taken(!)

Leon-I will come back and visit.

 Broduey-Good luck with everything.


German-Everyone, I would like to make a speech.

*Everyone is quiet and looks at German*

German-To be completely honest when I found out that Leon was marrying my daughter, I was very unhappy.

*Everyone laughs*

German-But as I thought more about it, I realised that he was a good man and he is a good father too so in other words, good luck with the move.

Leon-Thanks German.

Vilu-Guys we should really go.

Cami-Call us when you get there?

Vilu-Of course.

*Vilu hugs the girls while Leon shakes hands with the guys*




(The Next Day)

(At The Vargas')

Vilu-Is everyone ready?

Ally-Yep! I am so excited!

Maria-Compose yourself.

Ally-We are going to America!

Martina-I don't want to leave Carmen.

Vilu-I know but you will see her again.

Martina-I better because I gave her my favourite necklace and if I don't get it back then...

Carlos-Uggh can you girls shut up so we can go now?

*Leon laughs and picks him up*

Leon-Sure lets go now.


(Sorry For So Many Time Jumps!)

(On The Aeroplane)

 -------Text Messages-------

Cami-Fran and I miss you already xx

Vilu-I miss you guys too xx


Leon-Are you ready?

Vilu-Yeah, lets go.

*Leon takes Vilu's hand and smiles at her*


So that was the last chapter! The sequel called "The Final Chapter" will be released soon but the date is not confirmed yet.I post when I have more news about the sequel. I am so happy that you guys like this book and I really loved writing this for you guys.

Love ya xx

Sabrina xx

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