Day Out

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*Adriana,Carmen and Martina all come into the house*

Cami-Hi girls! Martina it's nice to see you.

Martina-You too.

Carmen-Martina and I will go up to my room.

*Carmen and Martina go upstairs*

Cami-You need to change to go out with your Dad.

Adriana-About that....


Adriana-I am not going. I think that I will go out with the girls instead.

Cami-But your Dad is looking forward to it!

Adriana-I don't care! If he really cared about me then he wouldn't see me every six months.

Cami-He is flying all the way from Brazil to see you!

Adriana-What about Carmen's Dad?

Cami-What about him?

Adriana-Why are you always pushing me to see mine but you won't let her see her's?

Cami-Adriana I am not discussing this with you.

Adriana-Whatever I am not going.


*Cami opens the door and Broduey walks in*

Broduey-Adriana! Nice to see you!

Adriana-Hi Dad...

Broduey-You have gotten so big!

Adriana-Well you would know that if you were around more...

Broduey-I know and I wish that I could be...

Adriana-Dad I am going out with my friends instead. I have other plans.

Broduey-But what about our plans?

Adriana-They are cancelled.

*Adriana walks out*

Adriana-(Dials Number) Hey can you meet me at the park by my house?


Carmen-Adriana is right.

Martina-Yeah . Your Mom is kinda unfair.

Carmen-I am going to see my Dad today.

Martina-Are you being serious?

Carmen-Yep! I think that I know the way and we can take a bus and...

Martina-We are 10! I haven't ever taken the bus alone before!

Carmen-You won't be alone. You will be with me and we will get on for free!

Martina-I don't think I can do it..

Carmen-Martina please do this for me. You know how much I want to see my Dad....

Martina-OK fine but how are we going to leave?

Carmen-I have an idea.

(5 Minutes Later)

Martina-Cami! I feel sick!

Cami-Oh you poor thing! Come have a seat and I will get you something.

*Martina sits on the couch while Cami and Broduey go in the kitchen*

Martina-Actually I feel ok now and I will be upstairs but I would like a drink please.


*While Cami isn't looking, Martina and Carmen sneak out of the house and quietly close the door*

Martina-What now?

Carmen-We find the bus stop.

*They walk to the bus stop and wait 5 minutes until they see the bus and get on*

Bus Driver-You two girls look a bit young. Are you parents coming?

Martina-Well urrrm..

Carmen-Our Mom is collecting us when we get off , right sis?

Martina-Yeah sure...

*They sit down*

Carmen-You almost blew it!

Martina-Sorry I am nervous! I don't usually do things like this..

Carmen-Well you promised me.

Martina-I don't remember....fine...


Martina-Where do we get off?


Martina-What stop do we get off at?

Carmen-Excuse me?

Martina-You don't know which stop do you?



Carmen-Sorry I will just recognise it.

Martina-If we get lost...

Carmen-We won't! I think it's here.

*They get off the bus and look around*

Carmen-(Unsure) This way

*Carmen points to a street*

Martina-Are you sure?

Carmen-(Unsure) Sure why not?

*Martina rolls her eyes*

Carmen-Come on!

*Carmen pulls her arm and they walk down the street*


Cami-Carmen! Martina! Are you girls OK up there?

Broduey-They are really quiet.

Cami-It's weird quiet.

Broduey-Lets go see what they are doing

*Cami and Broduey go upstairs and open the door to reveal an empty room*

Cami-They are gone!


Martina-We have gone to THREE wrong houses! Lets just go back before your Mom notices that we are gone.

Carmen-No! This is the house!

Martina-You said that the last three houses.

Carmen-Just trust me. You do trust me right?

Martina-Right now I wish that I didn't.

*Carmen knocks on the door and it opens to reveal......*

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