You Were Right...

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*Cami opens the door and Carmen runs in and hugs her*

Cami-What happened? You have only been gone for an hour.

Carmen-I want Dad to leave.

Cami-Why? What did you do to my daughter Maxi?

Maxi-Nothing it's just Ricardo said some...things to her and she got upset.

Carmen-I don't want to see him or you again. Mom was right about you not caring. You just stood there and let him attack me!

Cami-Is that true?

Maxi-No but I should've defended her better.

Carmen-I don't want to see you again.

Cami-Why don't you wait in the kitchen sweetie?

*Carmen goes into the kitchen*

Cami-I knew that this would be a bad idea!

Maxi-Cami I am sorry but...

Cami-You can't keep doing this! You are hurting her and I am sick of it! Get out and don't come back.

Maxi-ayou can't keep doing this. She is my child too and I didn't agree to you having her all the time.

Cami-You know what? I am applying for full custody because I am fed up this and she is better with me ,now leave .

*Maxi leaves and Carmen comes out of the kitchen and sits next to Cami on the couch*

Carmen-You were right Mom, I never want to see him again.

Cami-You don't have to

*Adriana comes down the stairs and sits with them on the couch*

Adriana-What's going on?

Carmen-Dads are useless.

Adriana-That is what I have been trying to tell you.

Camie-Girls stop. Let's forget about it and order Chinese ok?

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