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Cami opens the door and Maxi comes inside*

Maxi-Where is she?


*Carmen comes down the stairs and gives Maxi a big hug*

Cami-Remember to bring her back home by.....

Maxi-5 pm I know Camila.

Carmen-Can we go?

Maxi-Just say goodbye to your Mom first.

*Carmen gives Cami a hug and leaves with Maxi*

Carmen-So what are going to do?

Maxi-Well I thought that we could go to the mall and buy you something's.

Carmen-Like what?

Maxi-Anything that you want.

Carmen-There is a really nice top in this shop for $300....

Maxi-Ok anything that you want under $100.

Carmen-I get a whole hundred to spend?

Maxi-You seem surprise. I thought that you normally get to spend $300.

Carmen-No I was seeing if you were a cheapskate.

Maxi-(Laughs) Wow you really are Camila's daughter.

Carmen-I normally have to share with Adriana. Speaking of siblings , don't I have a brother?

Maxi-Yes called Ricardo.

Carmen-When can I meet him?

Maxi-Soon hopefully. Actually what about now? He is at his football game and you could meet him after?

Carmen-I would like that.



Carly-You are so unfair!

Francesca-I am not letting you go!

Carly-Even Violetta is letting the twins go. Please everyone is going to this party!

Francesca-Apparently not everyone.

Carly-Why are trying to ruin my life?


Diego-Hey what's going on here?

Carly-Mom won't let me go to a party tonight.

Fran-The year just started and I am already getting letters from your teachers and you want to go to a party? No way.

Diego-When does the party start?


Diego-You can go but be back my 10:30.

Carly-Thanks so much Dad!

*Carly hugs him and goes up to her room*

Fran-I told her that she couldn't go and then you swoop in and tell her otherwise? For once you couldn't just agree with me and stop making me look like the mean parent?

Diego-You are overreacting Francesca.

Fran-Overeacting? Are you kidding?

Diego-I am not in the mood for a fight. I just don't like to see my kid upset.

Fran-MY Kid .

*Fran walks off*


Carmen-He is really good.

Maxi-Yep that's my son alright.

Naty-Maxi? What are you doing here?

Maxi-Carmen wants to meet Ricardo so I brought her.

Naty-Bad idea. He is upset about you blowing him of to take her out so she is probably the last person that he wants to see.

Carmen-But I want to meet him.

Naty-Not now. Just take her somewhere else.

*Ricardo walks over*

Ricardo-What is SHE doing here?

Maxi-Ricardo she is just a little girl...

Carmen-Hi I'm Carmen.

Ricardo-I know who you are and I want you both to leave.

Maxi-Seriously Ricardo. She wanted to meet you and look at how you are treating her.

Naty-Maxi just take Carmen somewhere else ok?

Carmen-Did I do some wrong Dad?

Maxi-Of course not sweetie.

Ricardo-Dad it's a bit late to be acting like the perfect father now don't you think?

Maxi-Ricardo stop now and I mean it.

Ricardo-I mean Carmen didn't you wonder why your Dad wasn't around? It's because he didn't and still doesn't care about you. He just feels guilty.

*Carmen starts to cry*


Carmen-Just take me home.

The Next Step (Sequel To "The Next Chapter)Where stories live. Discover now