The Party (Part 3)

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DJ-Maxi? out

Cami-Yeah and I guess that I am just...confused.

DJ-Well talk to me when you aren't. Bye Camila.

*DJ storms out and Vilu and Fran come in*

Vilu-What are you doing in here?

Fran-We have been looking everywhere for you Cami.

Cami-Well you wasted your time.

Fran-Don't be like that. We are sorry.

*Cami starts to cry*

Vilu-Hey what's wrong?

Cami-The band are firing me.

Vilu-I know. That's why I wanted to find you. I am so sorry Cami.

Fran-Come on let's get out of here.

Cami-I can't go back out there! It's too embarrassing.

Vilu-I thought that Cami didn't care what others thought of her

Cami-That was the old Cami.The teenage one but the grown up Cami cares, she cares a lot

*Cami walks out of the closet and leaves the party*

*Vilu and Fran also come out and go talk to Maxi who is with Naty*

Maxi-Hey guys where is Cami?

Vilu-She left.

Maxi-Naty can you get me a drink?

Naty-No if you are planning on following Camila.


Naty-I am getting a drink for myself not you.

*Naty walks off towards the drink table*

Naty-Hey Ludmila.

Ludmila-Hey having a good time?

Naty-No. I need a favour.



Maxi-How long ago did she leave?

Fran-Not long so you should catch her.

*Maxi runs out and sees that it's pouring down with rain but he keeps walking to the bus stop where he sees Cami*


Cami-What are you doing here Maxi?

Maxi-Looking for you. Why are you standing in the pouring rain?

Cami-To be alone but obviously nobody gets that.

Maxi-I do

Cami-Then why are you here?

Maxi-I wanted to apologise.

*Cami shivers*

Maxi-Here take my jacket.

*Maxi takes his Jacket off and puts it in Cami*

Cami-Thanks Maxi.

Maxi-No problem Ca....

*Maxi is interrupted  by Cami crashing her lips onto his and as he kisses back, he is unaware of Naty and Ludmila watching*

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