Catching Up

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Vilu-So you working with "All For You" must be cool.

Tomas-Yeah. I am really looking forward to it. Also seeing everyone again, Maxi,Federico and Leon...So what have you been doing?

Vilu-Enjoying married life and raising a family.

Tomas-That's great. So is Martina your only child then?

Vilu-Nope Leon and I have 3 others.

Tomas-3?! Wow...

Vilu-Yep twin girls Ally and Maria and then my youngest and only boy Carlos.

Tomas-Wow you have really had a good life.

Vilu-Yes and I am happy.

Tomas-Can we do this more often? I like speaking to you. Even after all these years, I still feel like you are the only person who gets me.

*Tomas gently caresses Vilu's cheek*


Cami-Wow thanks for inviting me out Fran.

Fran-No problem! I love hanging out with ...wait is that TOMAS?! With VIOLETTA?

Cami-Wow. Wait they look kinda like they are on a date. Let's listen to their conversation.

*Cami&Fran hide close to Vilu and Tomas*

*Vilu pushes Tomas's hand away*

Vilu-I am married Tomas. I am not 16 anymore and I am me interested in you anymore. If this is why you came back then...

Tomas-I came to work with the band.

Vilu-Then do that and don't do that again.


*Vilu picks up her bag and walks away*

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