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*Vilu walks into the house and sees Leon and the kids on the couch*


*Vilu kisses Carlos on the head and smiles at Leon*

Vilu-How was practice?

Leon-Great. Vilu can we talk alone?

Ally-Come on guys. Lets watch this film upstairs ok?

*The kids go upstairs and leave Leon and Vilu alone*

Leon-I have some news.


Leon-Gery quit.

Vilu-She what?

Leon-So no tour and no more Tomas.

Vilu-Wow. Are you ok?

Leon-I'm coping but that's not the main thing that I wanted to say. I wanted to say that...I got a job offer in California.


Leon-A record deal. I won't have to work everyday but it has very good pay.So it's great. I will have a few shows and I will get to record an album.

Vilu-That's great.I'm so happy for you...When will you umm be leaving?

Leon-Within the month probably.

Vilu-Well if it's what you want then...I am glad that you are doing what makes you happy...Excuse me..

*Vilu gets up and wipes away a tear and is about to walk away*

Leon-I want you to go with me.

*Vilu turns around and looks at Leon shocked*


Leon-I want you and the kids to come with me. I want us to be a family again.

*Vilu walks back over to the couch and sits next to Leon*

Vilu-Are you serious? Leave Buenos Aires?

Leon-I know that it's a hard decision and that we will have to leave people behind but, this is a huge oppurtunity and it's great in California. Remember when we went on holiday? The kids will love it.

Vilu-But leaving? This is our home. Also I will be leaving Fran,Cami,Angie,My Dad. I have never been in a different country as my Dad before. I just don't know.

Leon-It's just a big opportunity and I...



Vilu-I'll go with you. We'll go with you.


Vilu-I agree with you. It's a big opportunity and it would be good for the family.

Vilu-I can't believe it .We are going to California.

Leon-We are going to California!

*Leon pulls Vilu in for a hug and she smiles*

The Next Step (Sequel To "The Next Chapter)Where stories live. Discover now