Moving Day

978 37 0

Gery-That wife of yours seems so unreasonable.

Leon-She is.All I have ever done is love her and she continues to hurt me.

Gery-You should leave her

Leon-You don't get it Gery,I do love her. And our family

Gery-You can't keep living like this Leon.


Fran-Ok slow down. I'm on my way.

*Fran starts walking to the front door but Diego stands in front of it*

Diego-Where are you going?

Fran-I'm not doing this.Shouldn't you be looking after our son?

Diego-He is playing.

Fran-I am leaving.

Diego-To be with who?


Diego-Wow! You are a great liar! If I didn't know who you were gonna see then I would've believed you!

Fran-She had a big fight with Leon and I need to go to her.

Diego-No we are having a long talk about our marriage.


*Fran pushes Diego out of the way but finds that the door is locked*

Fran-I have a key in my purse.

Diego-Check again.

Fran-Are you seriously locking me in the house now? Oh my God...



*Cami goes to sleepily answer the door and Broduey walks in holding suitcases*

Cami-What are you doing here?

Broduey-Moving in. Where you sleeping? At 3pm?

Cami-Hey! I am a single mother! I take my naps whenever I can get them.

Broudey-Anyway...I have decided to stay here with you and the girls.


*Adriana gives Broduey a hug and stares at him with a surprised look on her face*

Adriana-Did we have plans? Sorry but I arranged to go see the girls.

Broduey-I am actually hre for your Mom.

Adriana-Right...Well I'm off.

Broduey-No you're not.

Cami-I already said that she could.

Broduey-Well I am here now and this is a family moment.



Broduey-Where is my little girl?


*Carmen comes down the stairs and gives Broduey a hug*


Broduey-How are you?


Adriana-Umm you do realise that I am your daughter, not her?

Carmen-You are just jealous since he loves me more.


Broduey-Kid's got a point.

*Adriana rolls her eyes*


Hope you guys liked it! Btw I put a sneak peek of R5 of Violetta 3 if anyone wants to check it out xx

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