Have A Good Time...

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(1 Week Later)

Cami-I'm so sorry Vilu.

Vilu-I just can't believe that he left me...

Fran-I felt the same way after what happened with Marco..

Vilu-This is different. I didn't cheat on Leon.

Fran-Well I am just trying to help.

Vilu-Well comfort me but don't use my situation to make yourself feel better ok? I need a drink.

*Vilu goes into the kitchen and Cami turns to face Fran*

Cami-Maybe you should go...

Fran-Why should I leave?

Cami-Well you're not really helping...


*Fran leaves and shuts the door hard behind her*

*Vilu walks back in the room with a bottle of water and looks confused*

Vilu-Where's Francesca?

Cami-She thought that it would be best to leave.

Vilu-Anyway, Cami how did you deal with it when Broduey left you?

Cami-Well that was a very long time ago...also I was over it in like a day since I didn't love him that much at that time. I don't know what exactly to say that will make you feel better Vilu...

Vilu-Well he left at a pretty bad time..I mean Carlos is sick and the twins are having exams and Martina is misbehaving at school and...

Cami-I can help if you want.

Vilu-No you have to deal with your situation at home. Anyway enough about me moaning, how are things at home.

Cami-Well they are...they are..horrible. I never asked him to move in!

Vilu-I'm sure that you will find a way to make him leave and that things will work out fine.


Vilu-You think it's Fran?

Cami-She probably forgot something. You know how she is.

*Vilu laughs but when she answer the door she stops immediately*

Vilu-Leon...What are you doing here?

Leon-I came to see how Carlos is.


*Gery then walks up to the door*

Gery-So did I. I heard that the poor baby had a cold.

Vilu-He isn't a baby and he is asleep so you can't see him. Bye.

*Vilu starts to close the door but Leon puts his foot in the door*

Leon-I am sorry about how things turned out with us but you can't stop me from seeing him.

Vilu-Leon the girls will be coming back soon. Don't make a scene.



*The girls run to Leon and he hugs them and picks Martina up as he hugs her*

Martina-So are you back home now?

*Leon looks at Violetta and then shakes his head*

Leon-No but I can take you girls out. If it's ok with your Mom..

*The girls looks at Vilu and she nods*

Vilu-Sure..have a god time..

*They all leave and as Vilu closes the door, Cami gives her a hug*

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