Whatever You Say...

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*Vilu wakes up in Leon's arms and then gets out of bed immediately*

Leon-Where are you going?

Vilu-It's Sunday so I have things to do.

Leon-On Sunday's , we always used to lie in...

Vilu-Well we used to..Now I have to get Carlos ready for his playdate with DJ and Martina is going a birthday party and...

Leon-I get it.

*Vilu walks into Martina's room and sits on the edge of her bed*



Martina-Is Daddy staying for good?

Vilu-Well I-...


*Martina and Vilu both look at the door and see Leon standing in the doorway*

Leon-I am staying for good. Now princess you need to get ready.

*Leon kisses Martina on the forehead and she gets out of bed and leaved the room*

Vilu-Leon you really shouldn't tell her that...You will get her hopes up and..

Leon-But I meant it. I hate being apart from you and the kids.

Vilu-You accused me of cheating Leon! And you expect me to just forgive you?

Leon-I an sorry.

Vilu-It's not that simple.

Leon-What else can I do?

Vilu-Let me think about it.

*Vilu walks out*

(At Cami's House)

Cami-You told him that "You will think about it" ?


Fran-Seriously? You have moaned about you wanting Leon back and now when he wants you back, you don't accept?

Vilu-I know but know I just feel like he should've trusted me .

Cami-I understand but don't be an idiot.

Vilu-I'm not!

Fran-Whatever you say...

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