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(At The Vargas's)

*Everyone is chatting and eating dinner*

Vilu-I am so glad that all you guys came to dinner.

Fede-Well who am I to turn down free food?

*They all laugh and Vilu and Leon stand up*

Leon-Well my wife and I have some news.

*Leon puts his arm round Violetta's waist and everyone looks surprised*

Fran-So are you guys....? Yay!

Vilu-Surprisingly, that isn't the biggest bit of news.

Angie-What is it Vilu?

*Vilu looks nervously and Leon holds her hand and gives her a reassuring smile*

Vilu-Leon and I...we're moving to California.

*Everyone stops eating and stares at them*



Fran-For how long?

Leon-Hopefully forever.

German-This is a very important decision. I mean Vilu, this is your home. Are you really prepared to just leave it?

Fede-Leave us?

Vilu-Guys, this is a huge oppotunity for Leon. Also there are good schools and...We just have to do this and we could really use the support.


Angie-Excuse me?

Julian-Well I mean that's she's doing what she wants?

Angie-Can it.


Cami-I am going to miss you like crazy but if this is what you guys want, then you have my full support.

Vilu-Thanks Cami.

*Cami and Vilu share a hug*

The Next Step (Sequel To "The Next Chapter)Where stories live. Discover now