Breach Of Trust&Surprises

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(Monday Morning)

Maxi-Morning .


*Maxi leans in for a kiss but she pulls away*

Maxi-What's wrong?

Naty-Ricardo why don't you go get your school bag and get ready to leave?

Ricardo-Sure Mom

*Ricardo goes and sits on the stairs to eavesdrop on their conversation*

Naty-I saw you and Cami last night.

*Naty starts washing the dishes to hide her face from Maxi*

Maxi-Naty... She was upset so I...

Naty-Save it. You know , I know that you guys have a child together and maybe a few small feelings but I never thought that you would cheat on me.

Maxi-I am so sorry. You know that I love you so what can I do to make it better?

Naty-Never see her again..


Ludmila-(On The Phone) Yes. Yeah we will be waiting. See you soon.

*She hangs up and Federico walks in*

Federico-Who was that?

Ludmila-Somebody who is very interested in the band and collaborating with you guys. He is also a familiar face.


Ludmila-Tomas Heredia...

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