Sneak Peek

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So guys this is a sneak peak of the sequel to A New World  and I will be releasing the book properly after I finish another one of my books so I hope you enjoy My Own World!


*Violetta and Leon walk hand in hand into the studio*

Violetta-It's finally here Leon! Our senior year.

Leon-We made it

Violetta-Yeah I am so excited to see...



*Violetta runs to hug them and they share a tight hug*

Violetta-How have you guys been?

Cami-Amazing! I spent my holiday at my parent's beach house.

Fran-And I had an amazing time in Italy visiting my family.

Violetta-That's great guys.

Leon-Hey Violetta, I see Andres so I will see you later.

Violetta-Ok bye.

*Leon gives Violetta a kiss and walks off to talk to Andres*

Cami-So how are things going with Leon?

Violetta-Great. We spent a lot of time together this summer well when I wasn't in Spain.

Fran-Where's Federico?

Violetta-I was about to ask the same thing.

Cami-Oh I see him..with her..

*Federico walks in with Ludmila on his arm and they walk over to the girls*

Violetta-What are you wearing?

*Federico was wearing a smart shirt, jeans and a blazer with sunglasses covering his eyes*

Ludmila-Since we are seniors now, I thought that my Fede should look a bit more mature so we went shopping before school. You know Vilu, if you need help picking out more mature clothing then we could always go shopping after school.

*Violetta grits her teeth and forces a smile at Ludmila*

Ludmila-I mean two years ago it was cute, but the baby pinks and blue just aren't cutting it anymore.

Violetta-(Fake Smiles) Actually I like my clothes but I will consider your offer.

Ludmila-(Pulls down her sunglasses) Well I am always here if you need me. Well Fede we should go show you off to the others. Ludmila is out!

*Ludmila and Federico walk off*

Violetta-Can you believe her? Insulting my clothes and acting all innocent?

Cami-She may be a diva but don't let her get to you.

Violetta-You're right. She has been annoying me for too long. I just don't understand how Federico can't see the way she bullies me.

Fran-Federico doesn't pay attention. What else is new?

*They laugh and walk into the hall*

*Violetta walks over Angie and hugs her*


Violetta-Hey Angie.

Angie-Oh you look so grown up! How was your summer?

Violetta-Great until Dad and Jade took us to Spain.

Angie-How is your father?

Violetta-Happy because a business deal went through. We are having dinner tonight to celebrate. You have to come.

Angie-Are you invites me? Jade wouldn't like that.

Violetta-Who cares? You are family, you don't need an invite.

Antonio-Hello everyone. It's nice to see you all. Welcome to your final year at Studio On Beat!


I hope that you guys enjoyed the sneak peak!

Sabrina xoxox

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